The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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PAGE HELP WAMHO SALICSMWX An eBtablirijcd organhation the foremost of it kind in the' will form permanent connection with the right man for territory the man we (terir should have omu seHinff experience although thia is not absolutely neceiwary aa our hhIch co operation supplies him with necessary sales data and relling instructions we have mm our organization earning over $10v00 yearly the work ia interesting and oitcra the man we chooao an opportunity to become indnwn dent in a few years we require representative tn carry atout a $2000 stock this stock will phnw a grosA profit of from 300 to 500 per rnt with praciieally no overhead expouan and has no depreciation in value give full dctailn nf experience otherwise application will not be considered furnish telephone number do not answer unless you are confident you can make good on a proposition of proven worth which has successfully stood the test in thousands of most successful organ hat ions and which carries a exceptionally strong indorsem*nts from every field mm with some advertising insurance or specialty experience will be given preference unless you have other qualifications to offset lack of these exnerieneea Box 25497 Ik'titer ATTENTION SPECIALTY SALESMEN1 Gummed tape Is replacing string it Is cheaper quicker neater and is splen did advertising These advantages mean rapid sales and some salesmen are earning from $5000 to $10000 a year in thia business It's a hard gamo and only high grade specialty salesmen can make good have openings for two such men ap plications must be in great detail i Address APLEE NOVELTY CO 179 No Michigan hlvd Chicago SALESMEN wanted for high grade nationally known line automobile fabric goods real red blooded SALESMEN only de sired capable of earning $8000 to $10000 per year straight commission liberal basis give complete experience first letter The Gordon Co Columbus Ohio SALESMEN to represent large manufacturing stationer) concern over well established terri tory most of which is in Ohio wc manufac ture blank books special loose leaf forms loose leaf binder of all kinds machine bookkeeping equipment and supplies bank pass books Ittwgraphnl and embossed atationerysand all kind of printing the position we have open is an absolutely permanent one and only a man with a creditable and successful past rec ord will be considered we will pay a statedsalary commensurate with results obtained and will allow liberally for expenses Address with full particulars in first letter care Box 24197 Vain Dealer for this territory who now sells envelopes shipping tags or similar line to devote all or part time to selling our line of metal shipping document containers which have been approved bv the Ameriean Ily Ex press Co and have been ued for two years bv such firms as Paige and Packard Motor Co strong favorable selling arguments con stant repeat orders liberal commission earnest co operation agency to man who proves his worth giro particulars corre spondence confidential The 1 Noble Coi84'l Garland av lietroit Mich THE GERIAr'IMlAUKIOW CO Joliet 111 now assigning 1U22 territory ha a tew ojwn ings for immediate start of experienced ag gresslve salesmen we want men capable ot handling specialized advertising service to bankers manufacturers and merchants and to such we offer splendid chance tor big incomes and permanent future our line is the recog nize! leader and our contract is on liberal commission basis with weekly expense advance write fullv giving experience references etc II Gritdy general sal manager SALESltElTlESENTATlVE Sosman Landis Co of 417 Clinton st Chicago require a high class specialty sales man to sell their line of show window back grounds scenery valances decorative lighting fixtures lamp shades and specialties: good commissions drawing acct after ability is proven sales manager will be in Cleveland early next week wire for appointment Box 23797 Plain Healer WE openings in this territory to sell our iKipular priced line of tea waitresses 'and white coverall aprons to dry goods and department stores on commission basis as side line: offers exceptional opportunities for good profit references and full information in your first letter will secure the sampl and terri tory Chicago Apron Co 3535 Cortland st Chicago Experienced man to sell well known and widely advertised Star Line of haru Pimp ment hay tools door hangers coaster wagons and hardware specialties through hardware implement and building trade guaranteed salary and expenses chance to make substantial bonus mention age salary experience and any preference as to territory Box Blain Dealer SAIESM'EN The services of high grade live energetic salesmen are required for well known line of one piece suits and overalls in the state of Ohio prefer representation by men now covering same territory fitna 11 sample line commission basis only payable end month If a producer address with full par ticulars Cowden Manufacturing Co Kansas City Mo WANTED Traveling salesmen to carry our line of rubber roofing to call on lumber hardware and general store trade in the small towns pocket sample liberal commission we ihare warehouses in all the principal cities in the United States Royal Booting Co St Louis Mo SALESMEN with established trade among dry goods and clothing stores in Ohio Indiana Illinois Kentucky to sell a high grade line of men's and ladies' belts this is a slue line proposition with a good commission small sample outfit easv to carry ranklin Leather Products Co Cincinnati ESIDENT SALESMEN La Sallo Extension university requires services of 2 competent men with selling experience to act as representatives in Cleveland attractive financial remuneration for right men ar! at'0B Ulmer Bldg SELL our line of low priced irs large commissions no investment patented phono graph attachment novel toy i 'isto etc all new great opportunity whole time or Blue line Jubilee Mfg Co Omaha Neb Novelty kitchen knife newly pat ented side Uno or regular mounted dozen on easel fast seller all classes retail atprea re tails 50c liberal commission Domestic I tility Cor por a ti on Colorado Springs Col STATE SALES MANAGER Opportunity to earn up to $10000 a year placing agencies for high grade specialty permanent income from repeat business guaranteed profits and liberal terms to dealers makes it eay to sell Address Box 9 CMar Rapids la HELP TWO DOLLAR Bostonian shipping hag women crazy over it holds everything makes i marketing respectable never wear out materials patented designs write today for details in cluding big commission offer International Co rankfort ehigh $100 weekly' selling Roily's Washday Wonder new chemical dirt solvent harmless "cleans without rubbing want agent and crew managers free samples ami particulars Roily Chemical Co II 2 Hastings Neb POITRAIT I made $50000 canvass ing beginners clear $100 weekly experienced men make more samples free credit delivery guaranteed: free circular in explains all riedman's United Art Studio I lept 48 127 Dearborn Chicago Making $10 to $15 per day selling a high grade malt product small investment re quired good territory open Call or address Grain Juice Co Limited 119 High st A kron fl' ST OUT big money fast sal every woman wants one of our De Luxe adjustable leather shopping hags If yon can rake ten orders daily write Universal Products Co Minne apolis Minn io $150 weekly distributing samples taking orders Triangle Wizard compound washes clothes spotless in 10 to 20 minutes no nibbing sample particulars free McMul len Co McKeesport Pa THE MOST necessary household utensil of the time producing home beverages by sanitary methods agents and canvassers can make big money get details and terms Address "Sani tas" (114 Washington st Sandusky Ohio: AGENTS WANTED Earn big money selling army style shoes Munson last Goodyear welt also drwsa shoes from factory to' wearer Met ropolitan Sales Co 1103 Broadway New York Chy A BUSINESS of your own make sparkling glass nanw plates numbers checker boards medal lions signs big illustrated book free Palmer 233 Wooster Write for particulars best article ever offered men costs 5c sells for dollar $15 daily sworn statement Address II Chase Dept 3 28 State st Erie Jlalte big money selling our guaran teed raincoats: we deliver and collect your commissions in advance Write Unecda Rain coat Co 379 Monroe Chicago Il Every woman wants Jolly Molly house dressus' big profits no capital needed com mission advanced Domestic Products Co 2 10 Davies Bldg Dayton AGENTS Wonderful seller PGc profit every sales deliver on spot license unnecessary sample free Mission actory 7 281Q IV 1 ro I xs Angeles Cal agents 24 hour service on prints fln Uhed work and frames write for wholesale catalog II JI Roberts Portrait Co Kansas City Mo AG ENTS $350 an hour waterproof kitchen apron no laundering needed in every home dainty durable guaranteed sample free Thomas Mfg Co I'ept 3009 Dayton AGENTS Rubberized aprons selling like hot cakes $10 dally easy also other good sellers factory prices Mfg Co 117 No Dej(Jborn Chicago Hl 200 profit: guaranteed waterproof aprons $4 dozen utility bags $8 dozen Srbafuss Corp 121 Prince st New York City INCREASE your profits selling soap perfumes extracts etc as side line Lacassian Co Dept (142 St Louis Mo SIGNS for stores Mnd offices entirely new $50 week easily Jiuulo Chicago Sign System A 150 AV A'lstin Chicago ADVERTISE and a aucet fit a no sjilashtng filter find get busy now aucet fit A'o Malden Mass HIILP WANTED AGENTS AGENTS GET RICH THIS ALL Read Every Word of Tills Big Adv MuBfr Have TORI) for Demonstraling TlllOMENDOUH SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY HURNS WATER LN EORDS Separates mixes and explodes water gases with the capline and air most abounding un believable reBilU 5 to 13 more miles per gal lon absolute prevention of carbon fmnintion cleans plugs ami engine of carbon ami keeps them absolutely free from it motor uses less oil GIVES 30 TO 40 MILES GALLON AND OTEN MORE Guaranteed fur five yearn with part replm ementfl free and never wears nut handsome high grade splendidly made Instru ment adds to the beauty and usefulness ot every oriJ car any one can attach it in about 30 minutes with only a wrench: makes a ord run like a deer and sound like a six pcvMitivelv no overhearing: a lot more power quicker pickup and getaway more pep end snappineas rides easy and smooth like a Bull man ca climbs hills like a jack rabbit tMAKES BIG CARS LOOK SICK AS YOU GO LYING BY No nothing else like It a fine iinestmeiit not an expense pays for itself ten times over the first year in money actually saved agents make nt least $775 profit on everv sale: $75 to $3(M per week for hustlers CLEAN UP $2500 TO $50M THIS AND 1 'LEA SB EVERYBODY YOU SEE No capital rwiuireil no celling or automobile ex perience necessary we take bark any instru ments not solil get in quick while new and being introduced put out on free trial by manufacturer pay if aatisfled alter 30 days' free trial or return enormous Bales in sight in every state and locality now working two fac tories to meet instant demand not in stores dealers don't have it sold only through agents Xnd direct to ord owners WRITE QUICK EUR ONE YIN ON TRIAL Givn model and 1921 license number of your own ord and get one on 30 days' free trial at our expense tn cost to you pay for it if satisfied or return it within 30 days take nil risk you can't lose on thiaMeal if pleased after you get it then Vt busy quick making money hand over ttat rush letters im piediately demand is most overwhelming (Ad dress VTX BURNS WATER IN ORDS ROOM 113 710 MADISON ST WE WANT MEN AND SvuMEN WHO ARE DESIROUS MAKING $200 PER WEEK CLEAR rom the start in a permanent business of their own Magic Aland Wishing Com pound washes clothes spotlessly clean in ten to fifteen minutes lOu other uses in every home nothing else like it mightiest dranser contains no lye acid or wax fastest selling article ever sold through agents free samples make sales easy enormous repeat orders: auO'Y profit exclusive territory we guarantee sale of every package no capital or exierirnce required Baker Ohio nnuio $G00 last month you can do as well send for free sample ami proof Mitchell A Uo Desk 24 l30vX l314 61st Chicago 111 DOES $120 weekly interest made this selling patented vestpocket windshield Cleaner: prevents rain or snow blur one rub keeps glass dear 2 1 hours needed by every autoist motorman engineer Smoot sold7 2000 in 4 days nothing like Mystic new jvow erful snappy works luce magic enameled mountings year's guarantee low price big profits exclusive territory season on Security Co Dept 526 Toledo AGENTS Best seller Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes zation at a saving of over bto er cent put it on cold it vulcanizes itself in two minutes and is guaran teed to last the life of the fir or tube Mis to every auto owner and accessory dealt or particulars how to make big money and free sample address Amazon Rubber Co Pa Dept 10 Make $100 weekly from now to Christ mas connect ourself with rapid fire sales proposition raincoats in greatest demand through tall and winter months big commis sions in advknee no delivering or collecting complete outfit Trnd sample coat free write quick Liberty Raincoat Uo 208 Liberty Bldg Dayton Ohio xltfsTinS IRON RUST bOAP co iom Lancaster av Pbi'ndelphia Pa mfrs of the beat and the ORIGINAL Iron Rust Uoap R'ant agents trademark print and copyright registered in patent office this soap re mores rust ink and unwashnble stains from clothing marble etc like magic 25 cents tube big protite AGENTS Specialty men crew men mail order men sell polishing doth on demon stration every hotel cafe bank office build ing and housewife buys it at eight some order by the groes at once profits big sample free to live wires only repeat orders come fast Ad dress Premier Product Corp 1451 Broadway New York City $1to weekly automobile owners wildwith enthusiasm marvelous invention doubles power mileage efficiency saves cost first day sensational sail everywhere territory going like wihhire $26 sample outfit and ord car Jree write quick Ovee Co Dept Louie ville Ky CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING: AGENTS to carry our made to order raincoats as side line clafice to get in a business of your own big paying proposition 100 profit write for REE sample outfit Bradford Raincoat Co 376 Monroe st Chicago $20 EVERY DAY easy for ord owner agents taking orders for Cataract Water Pumps for ord cars and trucks positively prevents over heating freezing engine trouble ttc written guarantee new not overdone easily installed: write for free sample and special introductory otYer Cataract Mfg Co Milwaukee A GENTSX Sell Minitmend for tires and tubes costs 2c to repair surpasses vulcanizing saves 500 per eenh mry auto and accessory dealer buys profits amazing Shaw made $21 fUt day Hart $155 first week particulars and free sample Continental Rubber Co Dept 960 Philadelphia Pa AGENTS Men and women all or part time: $50 and more weekly profit taking orders' for Great1 Mystery candy going like wildfire: dealers buy ou sight and repeat continuously we carry accounts liberal conunlvion write for full partieulars Candy Craft Inc 227 Madison Dept 800 Chifryo OLD CROW chocolate agents for the state of Ohio together with celebrated and high grade line of candies beat of ref or ences required would prefer jobber or comm le sion house who can buy goods outright and distribute themselves Apply Inc 1112 Mission st San rancisco Cal MEN wanted tn silver minors plate and refiniah metal autos chandeliers headlights in deiKndence assured steady workers $10 daily ealsy without capital or experience outfits fur nished write for information John Decie Latoratoriea 286 ifth av New York: WE START yon in business furnishing every thing men and women opiwtunity lifetime to eam $30 to $100 weekly operating our "New System Specialty Candy home anywhere booklet free Ragsdale Co Box 1 East Orange PATRIOTIC man or woman to distribute Story of Our good cnance to make $600 or more in short time spare time also experience not required Universal jlotuw Philadelphia ORD owner sgenta New timer outr wears 5 ordinary timers demonstration and sales easily made big profits to hustler write for trial sample and terms Carburetor Co Jackson blvd Chicago ADVERTISERS Reach the through country town newspaper advertising 21 words displayed hi 80 country newspapers 83 in 20 leading Sunday newspapers rates free Stanford Advertising Service Lancaster Penna GO' hataimf( Kansas City Mo is making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to one perron in each locality who wiy recommend it to friends Write today HELI" WAN I KP AGENTS AGENTS wanted for tremenduiwly niceeiwful home nrnl autoinnhile apecfalty: l'inviitiatiuu mcrtiia stale biu repeater easy luuiiey for you Write Distributing Corp 5U7 utb av New York HULl ADYMlTrsixir copy writer wanted newapapet exp sales ability an esset steady ixiait ion it nnaliUed Call Jluiulay luoriiing it possible 11133 2'it 11 at 2d IL i CNVASS Kilis' distribute articles to homes on Box 18318 Dealer GDI 1 1 C'T'ii)S'S To Iiseist on collections should hiirV experience initiative am! stenographic abilitv: Beal Side employment rtato expeneme and salary Box 32810 1'lain Dealer riooKS and waUresaea white wanted at Woman's City Club Stillman 1 heater Bldg only experienced women neel apply Call bet 4 5 White agft 30 to 40 iniwt be experi enced' family of two second maid luigiloyed city references required Cull mornings 2550 Overlook rd Suite 1 ESSM AKTRS Experienced waUt and ftklrt Apply 6408 Euclid av 313 DRESSMAKER (I ram ou gowiw Canridu A Rich 2016 4ldh st Interesting profitable work for a limited number of ambitious young women 8 to 23 years of age Apply 782 the Old Areade The ()hio Bell Telephone Co IVhlte young neat and clean for house work and to assist with cixiking no washing or ironing 1'rotestant preferred Call Lake wood 131(1 12(11 Cove av Lakewood GIRL to assist in doctor's office with knowledge of nursing and typewriting state salary ex pected Box 7218 Plain Dealer GlRL to type restaurant bills of fate: salary or meals 1033 Chester ar Cleveland Lunch GIRI general housework 3 in family' no laimdrv work Call Harf mr GIRLS for pressing on fancy work Apply 73 onnnnus si nn'ii nnucni tr GIRL capable nf managuTjj tire rfirojftnce office A pply at t20 btipnor GLOVE SALESM OM Experienced who can qualify as assistant buyer: splendid opportunity atiols'l nrv (till urn rvn4 to t) lL mill Drt loiav iw iiiq ung miiv can fill the position Box 24197 Plain Dealer? HOUSEKEEPER English speaking Hniigariarn house kerpvr: a good general housework girl 25 to 35 yn old must be able to take hold ami go right ahead without too much directing: a good home and good uagts to right party Call at 24J Euclid today 9 to 11 a only HOUSEKEEPER Refined woman motherless home two children advanced school age one who would appreciate good home rather than high Bick h91S Plain Dealer HOLDER EEPER or 1 1 1 1 a ins i tu tion steady homelike place for bright woman grip full details tex 49 1 Dealer HOUSEKEEPER Take car of three chil dren good wag' J197 Plain DoaKr Refined woman in familyof 3 adults all air i277 afternoon White girl for general2Tn fam ilv no washing or ironing must be good cook Air De Kaiser 2104 Stearns rd Suite ff Cedar 713 HOUSEWORK White girl for general gnorf sal ary no washing Liebenthal Suite 8 Uni rerdtv Hall B'S31 Deering av nr Kudid av and 107 1 5 1 ar 1 835 HOUSEWORK White girl tor general and cook iig no laundry reference required 2765 Euclid Heights hlvd Suite 2 air 328s for general I 'adults $10 week rinall town near Cleveland phvne morning or earning airmount 1031 IP Experienced general girl sniall Protestant family Call today 2485 airmount 2 eQr Eetiar rd 462 fl')Ui Giri tor general hi mall fam tly good pay no washing Apply at Gaietv theater 1744 9th or Maln4963 HOUSEWORK Girl 1H to 20 with some ex perience to assist with housework and care of 2 children airmount 1712 white girl or woman for general good fam ly of 2 Highland 21fi in the morning Girl nir general 3 in family g4 wages nice room and bath referenda re Mnind Cedar 19US Ls74 82d st HOUSEWORK English sjeaking girl Io7 cooking and downstairs work in small family excellent references 2082 102d st Girl for general no cooking wishing machine and mangle STS Herrick rd ff St Cla i HOUSEWORK Girl for general small famllv good home for good girl 1702 Glenmont rd Euclid Heights car 1 1 OU irl general must do washing ironing good home tf)02 St Clair Inquire in store IO US WOK Competent maid for generaf with reference no laundry per mo Call airmount 2304 Girl to a good' home small family reference Eddy USJb 1052 97th st Experienced girl fcr general no laundry good home 1863 Sheldon av Eddy HO UE WOK White girl for general no laun dry Is59 armington rd Ean Cjevelan HOUSEWORK Girl for general assist with washing go home night Lkwd 2157 HOUS Good girl for general: tmall family no washing ram! home 2732 14th White girl for general family erf 2 to go homejilghts preferred air 2'114 Competent white girl tor small family 15612 lake av Lkwd 625Q HUUsEWuR Young white girl to aorist must bp fond of children' airmount 396 White girl for general plain cooking mall family 13339 EucI iE HOUSEWORK Only experienced white girl need apply Gar G52 1653 BHOthj'U HOVSEWORK Giil tor gem cooking no laun dry: good ww 1937 89th st REINED woman for care ot house and child each tor toan1 rm Cedar 51 1 HoUsEWORK White experienced maid 241 150th st Eddy 74M) White maid for general 17b63 Lake rd Lkwd 1507 Girl fnr general and plain cook ing airmount 3520 HOUSEWORK Woman for general no washing 1838 Rosemont rd INSTITUTIONAL housekeeper only competent and experienced need apply Box 32010 Plain Dealer MAID White by family of 2 must he experi enced cook employed city reference required Cali mornings 2556 Overlook rd Suite 3 MAID for general hnuaewnrk and laundry Eng lish speaking fair 3829 Crest 23b Experienced to lake full charge of bath and manege parlor (dale age and salary expected Turkish Electric Baths MlHHtlIl)ll NURSES Nurse with best rcfctute iiet'Ad a the Regis try 175 1 65th Rand 2285 Prine 762 AGENTri Big money taking orders overcoats pant blankets direct woclen mill to wearer unheard of valms no delivery no capital re quired fast sellers a knockout complete ouffit free Taylor Well 2740 Vaulina Chicago NEW oil Gangtfof ords sells on feight: big profit nmll investment exclu sive territory unixial opportunity fur agent and salesmen Address Sales Mgr 533 Sta Omaha Neb $75 TO $150 weeklj free samples lowest priexl gold window letters for storen offices anybody can do it large demand cschwtve territory Acme Letter Co 2801 Congreaa Dept ill Chicago 1 AM BOY I need high grade men ami women on farms and in small tewms everywhere To share with me this busy biiKim ss $75 to $100 weekly easily made we loan yon gam ple KiAvLjbl2'' 34th Giicftgo ABSOLUTE neerssities sell fastest pay tost every woman needs our toilet and household preparations highrat quality reasonable prices Colonial Chemical Co G31 Benn av Pitts burg Pa NURSES To train 1853 79tl St hnwpltal NUKSES Graduate and practical to register with Min 1'refld lull 105th at Garf 1508 Practical alate hospital eipenence and $15 per wk part time Box 21818 Plant Dealer PA ST 1 1 Apply Cnireraity SchoolIlouthand4 73d st PRACTICAL nnro thoroughly roniictnnt to care for 2 children must furnish references Eainnount 2301 SALESLADIES 'Two women who have the courage to do may make a prolitiiblo connection where the amount of money drawn each week is governed by the amount of energy of the auccrasful applicant Call alter 10 a in 727 Guardian Bldg SALESLADY between 25 and 40 Sec Mr AVhite 7000 Eu clid an hour newest kitchen combina tion sells city and country to evrry home aiunple free auto furnished 'to travel in The Thnnias Mfg Co House 517 Dayton AGENTS make 500 profit lumdling auto mono grams new pictures window tters transfer tings novelty signs catalog free Hinton Co Di pt 103 Star City Ind AHLS'IS Make $010 a year sell Cresco rain coats waterproof aprons utility bags outfit free we deliver aud collect Improved Mfg Co Dept Iffi Adiland SkLL new auto specialty full size sample in tntctnns everything to start von free Write T'135? Trrll sales (lept Box 34 Station A incinnatt Both sexes waterproof iqiromi Aani tary specialties most women bnv on' sight 'K StwiM'ty Prpdm ts 20 II Indiana ar Chicago Bl MEN and women earn () l(r week demonstrating high grade toilet' preparations opportunity for advancement Write The Brolliar Co Cedar Hapids Jowa BIG Big profits cold creams face powders perfumea apices extracts pie'filhm baking powder catalog free wtfll iaiora lories ItlQS Van Huron Chicago AGENTS to sell high efficient elrklighhThT big demand practically every store office' lion Ohio LItc' Bnib Co 210 High st olumhus m'llRAH! GKEAT NEWS' fkHTSSni pre war prices yon can coin money from now till Christmas art quick Davis t'o Dept 773 Chicago $60 $2W week free atintjiKJ gMl sign letters anyone can put on store windows big demand liberal offer to ironera! agenta' Metallic Letter Co 435 Clark Chicago GAS nill rTn any cook stove from coaloil new selling plan no investment agents coin money get our big oiler II Mfg Co 'Dept h' Columbus 1 WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods we show you how free Imok explains everything National Scientific Laboratories 625 Main Richmond Va IjVE AGENTS Past seller 100 profit free sample Chapman Co Kansas City Mo SALESWOMExN Steel Service Corpora tion wants three Rood sales women Apply 420 Hanna Bldg SECOND MAID Waiting and upaira work Mrs Jofinron airwmint 3W8 STENOG ILA HR Experienced in hwurauce of lice fire preferred tat reference salary ex pected Box 21118 Dealer general office detail! ago 25 to 3" Gentile preferred $100 I owj i town Box 14418 1'lain Dealer STENUGli ER experienced and capable for law office 1 5 urek Box 9SL8j rinin Dealer domestic ton imaxe other need college graduate especially write quallficatiuna Cline Teacher Agency Boise Idaho TEACH ER JLgh aehool fur lorida and other state I tox 25 Sta Cleveland UlTITAIRS work by experienced woman capable neat and willing gouR mender references quired Telephone ninrnings Jlddy 1186 Waitress Experienced: fnr chib work Mr McBIaln airmount 400 after 1 1 a WbM A NT A Ide to do laljorato work position is in Ohio Addrea Knieat i'etera Trust Hldg2 Omaha Neb RELIABLE girl or elderly 'woman fond of chil dren good home 2942 Corydon rd air mount 3862 WANT El chocolate dipper Ap ply 3627 ulton nL YOHNG lady to work cvenlnES 10305 Euolid ar CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER a a SY jTteiiTiirTTthR Chw il COLLEGE MEN HOTELS 4 1IO1II DING A typewriter East Side I'KI'R BKPR Si KOONS O1I KENT HOARDING ntinnv run ilOOMk OIt KENT HOAIIDING "Women over 17 $95 month up gov ernment positions list tree write immediately lYxnklin Inst Dept C'il Hoehester N' 20 yrs ixtge tlou cte EMPLOYA1ENT Chauffcuring Wailing Tabic Tutoring iring urnaces Or Anything or ew Hours i Per Day CALI WOMEN to sell stock in new Ohio corporation good commis sion and excellent opportu nity to the right party Aji ply Monday afternoon 1979 55th st DOCTOR retired after many successful practice in Ohio wants position as companion or care of invalid have traveled considerably so do not object to travel or living Cleveland can give best of references compensation not important want to keep busy Cox lIllS 1'laiu Dealer SITUATION'S WASTED MALE ClLAUI 'ErR Wife colored wants pos in private family make own repairs careful driver willing worker around house references Call Itundolpli 5193 5914 Central Jr 75 WILL AUDIT OPEN CLOSE OH KLEI' BOOKS HEMLOCK 4871 ACCfH'NTANT will open close and keep books Box 15818 I'liin Denier ALAMEDa AV 1592 Jkwd urnished rm for 2 with hoard Lakewood 3509 ANSEL ilD tn private fsmilv" taut gentleman only Call evenings Garfield Bldg BOOKKEEPER To fako rhnrg' of hooka and do BOinc utenographfc work small downtown ofllre young woman pleasing appearance $I1O month INTERSTATE EXCHANGE 651 Rose Bldg $125 STENOGKAl'IIERS several $85 to $110 BOOKKEEPER and COST CLERK $130 BOOKKEEPER and TYPIST $100 PILE CLERK library bureau expr $75 THE BLUJM INGALLS CO 1040 Guardian Bldg No mlrance fees TWO cnunecticg mis with board for 2 tcxch rs Madison rar 10 mln from sq Hem 896 11 rilNISllED rm bn Heights in nrw home couple or imiivldjtsl gar if desired slr 668 NEAR EUCLID Pleasant front room 1 or tinmen JS67 Knowles East Cleveland ELEGANT rooms at the Kennard House eveTy comfort and service special weekly rates ROOM mid Iwsrd in cozy home for 2 gentlemen reas nr car ref Lkwd 3326 TOOM mid board in private home for 1 or 3 all ccnreniencee Randolph 6183 IL ROOM and board tor 4 or 3 gents East filial reference Garfield 1830 IL UN ERN front nn steam heat us ot kitchen SUU Gutiold 4024 STERNS RD 2148 Comf front rm Suite 4 SUPERIOR AV URNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD LADIES PREERRED SITUAT IONS W'ANTKK MA LE ACCOUNTANT ail'DITOIl SYSTEMATIZE! will audit open ctoae or keep books by day or month Box 22510 1 Haiti Dealer ACC'JUNTAN BOOK Young man 0 y2tra' experienc': best references moderate twisty Bax H4I8 LKin Dcahr ACCOUNTANT auditor open close keep books by contract Box 1918 ifiuin Dealer A UTO ncch a nl 8 yrs rxper on tonring cftra and truck wants work Box 20010 Plain Dealer YUTO AIECHANIC White married A 1 driver wants position Garfield 71 1 BATTERY 71111) thoroughly px per rood ref dc irra work Box 1 1818 Thin Draler ATTRACTIVE innnngerial trav eling position is offered Io a capable resourceful woman tween 25 yud 35 years of age oiie jvhw has had experience in directing and supervising Hie work of a crow of house tp house educational workers preferred no sales nor order taking lib eral salary and traveling 'ex penses aid to one wlio can come ivell recommended and who seeks an opportunity through conscientious efforts to make her services valuable mail apfilica tions with detailed references to ILiyal Powder Co J35 William St New York City SUPERIOR AV Pleasant front room for couple or I or 2 people Sin I Suite Plea st ht rm priv fam Bar 1113 1 Turn room private LakewGod 2685 Wil ARE PREPARING A LIST EXTRA saleswomen whom wo will can on froirt umc to tim to assist im in special sales: application from experienced saleswomen of neat apix ar ance dealring occasional employment will be considcrevl this week Apply morrtlngs i 1 IS 1 1 'TlhN AND WHO ARL AMBITIOI'S oil Bt'SI rKs's 'Nl PRt'MOTHfC SELG' IM AND EXPKUIKNC ADVANTAGE ASK MI3 DE WEES bio Tin: it)oo Ei'i'im bldg s' a A STENO nifg co southeast CASHIER downtown downtown good future rubber co downtown A NSOJ 1 A I All ENCI ES 1 05 Hiiixlroinel 11'lg BOOKKEEPER Competent to take full charge of honks woman30 35 yrs nge familiar with credit and cnst wnrK: fthie to operate mfg co SL50 month INTERSTATE EXCHANGI 654 Robo with 4 yr old toy wishee position: wife general housework mtn is willing to work around the house or on the farm Box Blain Dealer COLLEGE graduate married one cldld good experience and record must hare work at once will do anything to make living Box Pinin Dealer YOUNG Hindu student derires io sition as tutor or companion to 1 nr 2 small toys days only refarenros 1554 195th st Suite MAN 'lunrrled urgent need of employ 4 yrs off exp 3 yrs mgr bin bnt grad yr com courae steady reliable 11295 Arden all MTUATIUX EXHALE BOOKKEEPER Experienced educated reliable? capable buines woman to cars for rail oifiro detail Chicago and Cleveland expert foceA 1 rgLlpx l9 10 Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER Expert will (rare for small rots of boohs a iarL time work best rel Box 1010 Phiili Dealer Boor JiEpj or cast clerk fifteen year' ex perrme permanent or temporary 4 1 1 Employment Bureau (emale) POSITIONS STENO small office downtown $150 one gin in on ice STENO oil co downtown AT BLVD £165 Union Nice room xvtth board for Qtie or two men or fflrh ft 1 nTmpton "rd? Ahaw fjyfre nn ladies home priv $1 $5 d4y 5176 CtHfiU 1'refer City first cia lei'eremras 2618 GRlh COST accountantexperienced married man now employed ran (tepariment manager desires jwmanent iKisifion where there is chance for a I va nec inent Box 5518 I 'lain Dealer COStVlERK age 32 9 yri pav roll bookkeeping employment man gen eral office 'exp cxeollrbt references college rducatjob1111X22718 Dealer COST accountant well twated young man 5 yra exp: best ref mod salary Box 17518 1 'la in 1 'enter PROSPECT 312fi Clean furnished rMNni Kti'Hni lirnt 391 RIIDKLL AV 7809 Tlmsant room with board for 2 Lulies or gentleman priva'i family ROlTlNWOOD Largo frt rm uit for 2 gents or cple reaa Jkwd 2291 ROXOKD RD ISIG 11 2d dr I or 2 rn priv home mod Eddy 1812 SAGAMOREA Bet Eno 26 min from cozy rma $5 Han 4138 8TAN VOOD 1 largo room fcr couple rap or 2 gents 2 min from Euclid car serve breakfast and vveuing meal if desired Eddv 3236 STANWOOD AV 1855 Two large single front rooms rent reasonable Eddy 3982 IL VAN Bl'REN RD 1829 Exceptionally largo bedroom beautifully furnished in colonial stylo no other roomers business reference required Call Eddy 7513 before 8 a or after 6 wXdeT Room and board for 1 ot 2 people Call GarL 5788 after 6 VADEiARK 8203 Small 3d floor rm for gent man all conr Garf 5828 WARREN Large airy rm for 2 J8 single family Lkwd 502 WVAYNE GomfvrtaMe turn room reas references exchanged Lake 32 19 WEST BLVD 31'24 Room and bath in private home: lady pref rTrn Tll'l nr un room prv vatc fam 10 min to xpiare Hem 1495 JV 54111 Large nns for g' nra or couple if desired: $5 per wk "ithigar w7 54Tlf Large rms fnr 2 gents med conr hot water Jit Det car 73D 2191 evr Grace nr Lorain Nicely hirnrms priv fam reas 74T1I ST 116(4 umlsbed room for one ot two gentlemen in small honie either Detroit or Clifton cars near West High school vT77TII urn nn up ht bath: elemi for 1 or 2 people Edg park 5 mta Petrf Clifton cars I 85T1 1 ST Large front rm all com Detroit or Clifton cars Hem 1735 IL 91ST 202 1 Rm and board fnr 2 mts all conven hom*o cooking Hem 1882 93D ST 20 Nice furnished room for two gent lemon or couple employed hwno privileges one mhmto to Madison car 93D 13 fl Large front room suitable for 2 inn women Hm 1061 7L t'l I'll b'urn rms for couple or 2 gents priv fam lOOTII Nicely furn front room con veniences private) family men teach pret Madison or Detroit car 100T11T IT Mant rm' i or 2 or lady emp hom*o prir Madison and Detroit cai 10STII ST 1281 fujnlshed room all conveniences Hern 646 H2TH 1 t5O XNicely furnished room for gent bet 2 ear lines L1wl 21 1 1 BlJUK El Il 'ER assistant 5 vrs exp refer el ecs ilox 15018 Plain Dealer CHAMBERMAID Expcr refer desires posl tin Box 1 2 18 1 lain Dealer COMPANION for elderly lady with light house work etty reference lUx pus pan Dealer: COM PtlSl i cylinder feeder expcrmced young worn wisliesjxit BOX28I1S Deakr C(oK Colored flrst clsss desires position In private family or Institutions can give city referrticas Box 25097 Plain Dealer COOKING aud downstairs woric ly neat reliable girl city references Garlield 9510 Call Monday CURTAINS 35c a pair also blankets a spa clalty called for Garfield 5737 DAY work' wanted by colored woman ex perp on electric itotier Call Randolph 4582 DINNER or pastry cook 'Hungarian first rlasa In pastry for rlubs college or largo fain 1 1 (o 1 1510 Dealer 1 HlEtiSM AKTNG Also alt erat long Iffiing cents and Vent suit coats by dav or nt home 2269 4(6)1 ('all Jliuulolph 5513 DRESSMAKING fancy wont and embroidering ncatlv done Sirs Hansen 2200 IS I3d st Suite' 5 DRESSMAKING Alterations spec on chil dren's clothes reas 14313 Bardwell av DIIKSSAIAKING by the day: experienced? 1 835 Wadena st (Jar 290 ELlJO'rr ISl 1 ER Siooikeeper 7 years' exp rel'ercuc'' Box 18718 Dealer SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1921 JIARIIIED man with want porition as toitennaker fine or caprnier Write to Geo Mt 2083 I ark at Lfi kewood Ohio MARRIED man ae thirty wishes employment in store evenings after 6 bot raferenecra and KoodsatesmaiL Box 2321S Irater MARRIED MAN and wife would like work on farm man iroofi farmer A Williams 892 14 Ith Uteveland JAPANESE Trustworthy wants position in priv place na houseman good referenci Jamea 2X79 Mhew rv SITUATION hv yonrff colored man aa 'ard man around bouse 'lei Gar 9424 W' 217U 90th Hany Evans BOY High jk'iiooi wanta iiork in grocery or other liht work after achool find later Box 1721S I'lain Dealer I YOUN' ATnsn with automnhite wants work Mon day Wednesdays anti ridays 513') Indianola av lilHLE AGI MAN who hw had several general banking can do auditing Box 3113 Plain Dealer MAN wants any kind of work Saturday after noons and evenings Ilox 154 IS 1 1 a i Dealer MAN and wife want to care 'r rooming houao or small hotel best ref Hem 305 5 1 furo rooms private family: board optional home comforts WYHTETilORN Newlv furmlnd room no other roomers home of retail went Pajueot E79th car: gent Ionian Garfield 79fi WI NCH ESTER 15O'i Y'irst class room and Iv'tirv reasonable I Kwd 5 1 WOODWARD UT ONO i Suite of rooms pri vate entrance off st Euclid car Pall after tl 7305 WYANDOTE 2032 Lkwd Pleasant him? rm mod with board: 2 employed priv fam yrico reas HA CI I LOK 8 Ith Lge rm prir garage ref flOOM aud board for 2 teachers or 2 business near Edegwater park modem home pri vilegea I'boito i 1 emlock 1 031 IV NICE room bi st tabli one refined lady or gentleman in private suite with well iieetoil family Eddy 135S LIVING rm bcdi bath nieelp car laundry priv bus couple or 2 or 3 yomig ladles Main 2198 I'ltOTESI'A NT familr adults' '4111 room teachar meals optional t'litton Detroit cars Bex 1761S Plain Dealer BOOKKEEPER open close and make up statements small salary to start best ret' ngo2 1 Box bStO Plain Dealer BPTLER and all around house man trust worthy and honest can furuWi references Ap ply 224'i I' 8 Ith st STATE HOTEL 200 beautifully furnished rooms telephone and running water In all suiteo and rooms private baths we also have 10 beautifully furnished siatea 5607 Euclid av opp Pennsylvania station 11 OT EL UYAliOGA 7111 Prospect av Central location: reasonable rates brot service TifbEN iiIitel isno'KTTsthTt Near Encl up to date rooms weekly rates THE KEXNARi ij Cleveland's nicest medium pficnl hotel first class hotel services CROXI'EN HOTEL ili'n? Prospect Burn sutee bachelor apta and sleeping mis reas secretary 7 jrs exp tern porary or permanent Box 19910 Plain Dealer 1 tempor ary work Box 2'418 lain Dealer work four hours daily $10 wtfck Box 2371b Plain Dealer Sl'ENOGRAPHERGcn office work experi enced rel al le Garfield S129 Sl'ENOitRAPHER' pern need dires position with reliable finn Eddy 1477 STEN('GEAPHER' Beginner 1 emlork 5Qfis WASHING ironinff rough dry ateo specialize nwfH warif cralleil for Gariteld 3737 AMBITIOUS young lady desires cmplAvment lor entile or half day Saturday has had previous experience at clerking housework and general factory work Write to or inquire at 501 at near Ixjraiii av alter 5 REIN Amer Prot girl of 14 yte loves chil dren wabti perm hunv where she can go to school and will be reared as own child in exch for duties ns able to perform ref eich Address or call 11705 HazddeU rd SJTUATIONVANTEJ) ErALE GENERAL housework faTks ShivlHh aud Hun ga ri an 1 ng 9121 Mt An burn av by Hungarian German nRd dle aged Jewish laly in refined anull family or hom*o city or cuuntiy A ref Box 2591S Plata Dealer Middle aged refined lady with boy school ago splendid conk ref will leave city exp on faroi Box 2718 Dealer 40 yenr old? desires position as hqurokeeyer in gHittemaji' 1 to Yr ces 1 1 or S21 8 I 1 aln I icaler lit i siTlUJR A nicr? la "Lest refer wants position in mothcrlos or respect able home Boy 26918 lam Dealeri Best desires' compete charge of gentleman Lome Box 1018 Plain Dealer HOlLSEKEErER mfddte agod in small fam ref 1G16 Grace Lakewood 1569 IRJUSEKEEPER (Wires position 38 yra old leave city Box 3018 Plain Dealer I IO I EK El 'ER rood cook Swedish lady 1u95 7Hi h11 st off St (Jlair JIOUS WO 1 1 washing ironing ref Amer home 1621 33d st Lorain Phone 7851 Ehterte lady wants light work no washing 20 Wilsoir av Willoughby HOUSEWORK Go home nights will do wash ing West Side 9007 Zimmer av Girl exp general to go home nights Box 25218 Plain Heater General by girl exp 7 executive designinitand building and small dte for single and double hc presses Mpertepced in production costs Ihix 10510 Plain Dealer STENOG Izg iL secy evrr bnok kps exec exper Box 28318 Plain I tester driver or helper experienced colons! wan: city references Box 2721 Plain Dealer Strong man speaks foreign lan guages city ref Box 27510 Plain Dealer WATCHMAN 20 vrs exp best city ref Write SJ77Oh ISth st city WATCHMAKER on grade work 25 yrs exp Plain Dealer NEAT dean experienced colored cook desires work in small Oitnify 3935 Cedar tip rear REINED lady middle age good cook and manager lilies home in small fam or gen tteuuii's home Box lkl 8 1'lain Dealer YOUNG woman graduate ruaxsuese eAper hair su companion or maid traveling rpt Box 301 Plain Dealer REINED intelligent mlddle agwi woman would like po of trust and responsibility or clerical work Box 5718 Plain Dealer PART time work will lx accept'd by thoroughly competent office woman able to take full charge Box 24M8 Plain Dealer OR good help call Wheatley Aasocte Uon day work $250 general housework girls Call Randolph 5513 MIDDLE AGED woman would like housework or help in restaurant 2611 Montclair av South Brooklyn sprakfcg girl wants gen ereal housework good cook 2P4I 125th st il EI NED Ialv will nn for children by hour Mre ('aranniizh (130s Belvidere Hand 423 COLORED GIRL cafe Indry office store or elevator exp Cedar 257 after 2 30 GIRL 13 yrs and nn and iro to school in for worin Ikmi pref A ret Hem 2735 AV CAi'VBLl' erenc grapher ten years experience wlshra position Box 261 18 Plain Dealer A YOUNG woman desires upstairs work Ad dress Mrs A Daley 3607 Spokane ar GIRL colored wishes dav's work 3 or davs week treat ref Call Garlield 7213 XV GIRI Speaka'Tolish and Slavish no English wants homework 89 IS Bessemer av XX'ANTED Position as companion or to travel best ref Box 591S Plain Healer ALL KINDS of dressmaking done by experienced dressmaker Randolph GiiOfi YOUNG innish couple want pos in priv fam ref Lane 22'21 XV 4ilth st XVOMXN wants to go out washing and ironing 2ui8 Rollin st Lmrd wants xasliing and ironing at home Hi3'i Bayne avj GIRL II ur ga tian wants liotework? CaU2 409 Bridge av tn rear ANY girl needing friendly sernere write to Salva tioti Army House 5t05 Kinsman nl Cleve land or call hi person LADY of good education and address oxer years of age to learn our will be thoroughly instructed in duties then 'advanc'd to managerial work: must be able to do some and interested to some extent in child welfare Bellows Reeve Co 1104 Swetland Bldg HELP XVANTEb XX omen wanted to learn Nursing Amand greater than aupply good pay learn at home in spare time earn while learning entire tuition can be earned in few wwka special offer including ee nurse's equipment write for full particu lars Chicago School of Nursing Dnj jt 421 South Ashland bird Chicago' II) CATHOLIC pref desirable positions culling on Catholic families: work is pleasant and txs exceptionally well Call la tween 8 30 anij j0 a or 3 to 5 111 Gwin 311 Su penor WANTED White couple for modern Height home man to do cooking woman to do second work and assist with children Call airmount 1IH0 Saturday Sunday and Monday between 111 and 12 a AN EDUCATED XVOMAN with at least high school training for a special tvpe of work aay from Cleveland paying a good salary and rffenng early promotion Mrs 1158 Hanna Bldg EXSCllHGt TEACHER or other woman of education for educational tipe of work prai tion is permaiif it and offer an uniimial op portunity to one baring initiative Mr Eek hoil Hanna Bldg WILL give room board scholarship art $1 X( month tor housework help all business vocal piano and art rours sculpture designing' Institute La Grange III near Cbi cago 25lh year GARVIN PRIVATE SCHoDU Stenography or bookkeeping taught in Hi to eks strictly private wous at hours to suit your convenience lowest rates In the city pay as you pl ase positions secured Room 4115 Union Bldg 1831 Euclid 111 snull toxins lull or spare time make wi ekly selling Waterproof Kitchen Aprons Sanitary Aprons Belts eto samples free Write MILLER MEG Co LEX LAND CLERKS 18 upward for postal mail service 1 20 month examination Oct: experience unnecessary or free 1 ar iculare of instruction write li Terry (former civil service examiner)255 Continental Bldg Washington AT ONCE ire ladles to travel and sell deal' i $10 to $75 per week railroad tare pnid write at Cnee Good rich Prog Co Dnt74( Omaha Neb XVANTED imniedia'ely names girls women over 16 wishing government pcsttiotis $1 100 year steady answer today Box 2031)7 Blain 20TU 1761 Nicely furn room with liltch enct ajso I'roapct178 1 XV 211TH ST Enrire front room phons' private family all conveniences 55TH 1383 ur St Clair Dbte rm furn for I or 2 gents $3 per wk use of phone ETThiiiTToTr near Superior Dibblu av' Boa 1 a nd room reaMonnblv nil i BTTil Niveiy turn sleeping rmncar restaurant: $5: Euclid car ft? ImTK KT 1818 8u i Hi 3 cicely "7u rnfshed i ftteant liented room 3 min to lluclld car Rand "861 IV Viry lino rniR $4 up auitolte for 1 or 2 all conv nr 2 car linw 2026 near 1'rout room "uhS bath also sinnte room st a in heat JC 18H RuitQ furn room for ftitiKte or cnupte LOTH 1915 Suite Comfy room with gtm ht in private hom*o for refined lady per week with board $9 U9TH 1932 Very pteaaant front sleeping twin beiis connecting hath garage U'jTH nr Newly furn large frt rtns suitable fur 2: quo aiirale rm $3 I 'ST and room for genl lemon ploa Hant heme Rand 3588 ft 7uTH "heated bod mul Hvirig rm connecting mahogany furn priv lavntorv two or three rcflnetl busitirm mon Rand 5397 rieasant well heated rm for bus gentleman neor Euclid? 7teT ST 1923 Ste Large front room hamhomfly furnished newly in hih grade steam heated apt very ma private hom*o ref 'ch cxnfurencpd patent mechanical drawing desire ttork Bex 33318 Blain tester EmITrVO LAWYER ariendtng Western ravedesires part time work in office where interest and enthusiasm are appreciated: best reCerrnnra 1 1 tax 9218 Dbi Dealer Dt claM lirenso good mechanic and pipe fitter will leave city can do erecting work Box 15IJS I'lali Den let ENGINEER Licensed healing refrigeratorexp age 29 married Box 2191b 1'lain Dealer in general work reliable 2902 92d st GARDENER wishes position on private estate expert in every dept married without children refer given as to ability and character Andrew Gemind care of irestone Medina rd Akron irst cUss life mar ried want private iwition in city or country beat ret Box 9318 Blain Dealer ftSfSEMAN and gantener full or part time married references 3113 23lh ft LincolnJSP1 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Yon ng man experienced in time study and pro duction work at present employed by promi nent firm nf imVis'rial engineers desires con neetion raith manufacturing company Box 221 97 Blain Dealer JANITOR Mak wife no children iiree or small apartment city reference Box 3318 Blain 1 'eater JUNIOR cterk operates typewriter etc goodducat ion best references Box 26118 Blain ea ler VITOR and wife capable white 5 exp will a kc separate jobs uincy Suite 3 LAWYER several yes practical experience de sires ronntx Hon with tarte firm can do court reporting Box 95 te 1'tain Dealer MUCH ENGINEER: tech grad yrs shop and darfting exp deiirni position other than draft ing Box 6S18 ruin Dealer JTlTniTVA operator: 17 yrars exp best reference Garfield 4320 TAPER HANGING and paper kitchens $6 bedrms $7 parlors $10 in heavy embossed patterns worth $1 roll paBRtog 132 The Arcade Main 1 1 1'aTntER and decorator 14 yearaexperience nurrird wants work any kind: reasonable best reference Box 26218 Uin Dealer BAB Ell HANGING cleaning inferior paint ing first cUa work trae rroapect 1716 PHARMACIA Registered references desires permanent ioaition Box 23318 Plain Dealer PORTER reference hotel or factory anywhere Box 231 IS Plain Dealer RATE 1 yrs? exp ry rating bert references Box 17118 Plain Dealer Roller Die and Drawn Metals Executive special machinery and tool for mold ings and butted and welded tubing produc tion costs Vtt capable of taking full charge Box 10710 Plain Prater 14 90TH 1798 Euc or Payne car Well fnrn rm not rtm house itnealigate Gar 9289 POTH 1802 Lg front nn suitable for couple or 2 men prir fam room st heated Payne rv car 93lt 2129 Sitting room and bedroom for 2 Uduw nr nmrrie! couple use of kitchen Take UMar rar 93D irarga nicely furn nn steam heat nimring water 1g closet suit for 1 or 2 gentlemen also garage ft 93 14 Pleas comf nn for 2 men priv jam $450 cch $5 conv Gar74SSJ 93D 1 Nicely furnished front room home yrivteges rant reasonable 93 ntifunt rm? elec gas heat 523 to rcspotra part tea Gar Ptuil 93D ST 81 StT Pteaaant sleep ing room tor lady employed ft 9D3 Board room $950 Vrtr wk Garf 6030 Suite 2 tnrn rm" comirctirg baih home priv: I 2 men 9312117 urnished room near lOUh eitlicr Euclid or Cedar ers intrn between Camogie and Large front bedroom twin beds prhate family Garf 9514 IL IHITJI 2063 nr ir rm mah fur tw In beds a real home ace thia E7i'HST nr ftuc inely furn rm and for gent hi high claw Stm ht apt priv Gentile fam Plain Dealer 97TH nr Desirable ronin with bath in now etenm heated apt Garfield 8595 lil 97TH 1833 Burn fit rm priv famTnoar Hue lUvne and E' 105th car Gar 2201 207S lOOTII Booms Balli mu water 1 nith hskpg priv KT BXIT 1 1 22'5r1 2 iiirely furn rms in rriv? hon re Ronta prel erred Garf "220 Jt BKITTl ST Lanre fnriiislicd room lor man or oouplc: private home ret KsHTl 828 near St Nicely fur rooms tir lir conyle Gl MOOT1I ST 2071 Large room for two first class Garfield 250 nn for gentleman all ran 101ST ST IM'J the Bachelor Hlith class single or ilble rms tir Euclid and 105th from $il to $10 GarfichK ICT7 Sitting mi and Iwlmi steam ht gcntb nian or Ims couple $50 nio C'edarJ624 k' "ioTsfTTr Euclid COM I'Olii'A UIE DBN KM I I ENTLlMAN GA1U (IJ05 WIST Nicely furnished room suit able for 1 or 2 people ST (122 nr St i Neatly furn room for 1 or 2 liskpg Prir Eddy 820 101ST ISOS Suite I Nicely furnished room for gentleman 102D 2043 Pleasant fum rms 1 min from Encliil fc 106T11 ST 1269 ste 3 nr De airahle nn fur 1 or 2 gents stm ht all conv 105TH ST Comfortable room 'tn diigh 'class home' reference adults only ii WOTll Sleeping rm ur restaurant 'all voiiv $4 gents Superior car Boom and bonrd for 2: all home priv $10 Garf 1179 AT Nicely furn front rm suitable for 1 or2 priv fam Eddy3102 lOTTH ront room tor one or two gents modern conv priv home 107'1 If Single or double room munic Ipnl heat just ntl 1U lOS'I'lt' Very beaut frt nn I or 2 $4 each $6 sins priv fam Call Monday IT sou like to draw large commercial art house can show you how to make intra money in spare tune state age where emploied Box 311 Blain Dealer YO NG lady to do light housework and help in flower shop must have some education we can offer a good home and steady msition Apply 8707 Cedar av COUPLE f(7 small family of adults wife tn rook and manage man for upstairs work an I general houseman references Box ruin leal PECLVH COUKSE LEAHN SYSTEM BEAUTY CULTURE Manicuring 'ihanipotHn hairdrirg marcelling tfi' ktonetit faciX eyebrow arching ev mrg Mpnday and riday diploma awarded portion waRirff 4b A a Hldg opwite Hotel Htatter Broepect 10C6 COURSE IN ADVERTISING Conducted by Cleveland Advertising Club will begin Wednesday evening Sep 21 for fur ther particulars se sccretarv nf ADVERTISING CLUB HOTEL STATLEIt or call Prospect 2 130 WOMAN ULI 1 1 IS'HEi' LOCAL liOL Desires the services of a cultured woman good appearance free to travel peHnnalitv rtrergv and enthusiasm main requisites over 24 and under 4( will make attractive offer to right party See Mr Leavenworth SIG ColtuuMa Bldg opp May Co on 1 HOTELS NEST) TRAINED WOMEN Bld demand for blah salaried executive past ex perience unnecessary we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities Write at on fur artlctilsts LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOL DES II I fi WAS I NG TO ND WILL ItECEIVE or position out of town: gtxsl incoiiie travel sales training previous exp not required hut applicant must be well clucated strong jrr smiality good talker not over ill Write full giving phone number if in citv Box I 'lain Dea ley Widow 31 to increase my in come will drhe cither jour car or mine by tire hour 8 jra cap liratLrcf Eddy 1192 61 1 A I olored 35 years of age wishes position with private family best of references Apply 280(1 Scarborough rd Tel airmount 2010 Harris CTlAi'EITt White married tlrst el ass wants reisition with or without services of wife ref Box 14318 1'lain Dealer Ci I Refilled colored desires position onu with 15 yrs experience references Gar field HI 14 ci I tUl'T'iiUR or truck driver white married A niechatilc 9 exper reler 3668 CH LUR Whit? ftll around mechanic will go out of town 1459 GftrSTOO 12 yr experience railroad highway industrial good' map draftsman Box 291 18 I'lfthi Ikfiter CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Thoroughly competent technical education and tlltHHi veara experience vstmiuting design ing purchasing upcrintcnding procuring buslnoM financing nud as an executive woual i'ke to take small concern and build it vp prolit sharing baste with idea of ultimately brooming interested Address Box 8418 Blain 731 ST Well furn room in priv fam steam ht hot water shower Euclid or Bayne car Rand C397 IL Siritr Nicely furu rm priv fam teacher nure or bus woman 73D Ixively connecting trout rooms gentte men or couple emp ref Randolph 2S74 ft 731' 1G11 State Nicely furnished sleep ing room all nnvotiiwra rensonabl 73'l'il nr Hough urn tor couple fnftt lit apt kitch priv no other roomers Randolph 75j3R 8 I65C Nicely turn rm decorated priv family men pref Rand 7064 75TII 1647 Suite 2 Nicely furnished room near aym Rid 79th cars 75TH 1853 Lge rm private fain or 2 gentlemen reas borne comfort Rand 5167 77TII i25 Newly furn steeping rms rnnn water single or dblc Inq Suite 6 or jainton Ev 77TH Rm and board for 2 emits ideal tec all con reas Randolph 2725 77111 or 3 irn suite mutable for 2 or 4 also dbte rm connecting bath 79T1I 2125 Suite 9 urn room for getrteman 3 miu walk from Euclid steam heat all conv priv tain no other roomers redar 2975 793'11 ST nr Euc inely funClg nn and for gent in high class st in ht apt priv 'entile fam Box flftis Plain Dealer and Euclid Room for 2 in hricjT apt with congenial young couple quiet street pri late home Randolph 559M 79TH bet Euclid and ricnsant furn room modern conv priv fam Ran dolph 5086 It 79TH 1671 urn lpg rm for priv fam 2 cars 20 min to sq $5 Gar 8942 ft 79TH ST nr Itooni frith" toard twin texte alf conv garage ST? 1973 location clean comfortable rooms and $6 S0TH ST 2108 Pleasant rm 20 minutes from square priv fam Garfield 3832 ft 8LST 2034 Two pleasant rnuJT" Hv and bedrm with running water private lavatory S1ST ST 1 ge frt rm kitrh and bath priv tern nr Bayne and 79th car? 8 1ST 1988 Bachelor quarters adj bath: steam heat suit for 2 or 4 a al home PLEASANT RMS DR ONE OR TWO NEAR EUUL1I) 81T ST 2075 Nicely Hint rooms board optional Hoorn for rent 83 ST 1940 just off Euclid Newly furn rma for business men use of phone and home privilege SSD 2061 nr Very attractive front room twin bed ref Cedar 513 83D Large furn rm with kitcjienet private home all conv reas S3D ST Single nn for girl light housekeeping privileges 85TH'1424ROdSr AND BOARD OR GENT IN AM ER JEWISH AM GOOD HOME I 'RINC 1 115 s5TH 2lb3 rNice couple front room ue of kitchen Euclid Colar rar ft S5TH ST Nicelv furn mi priv fam hot wa er heat Gar 58 23 Sdfif ST 610 rics sant trt nn all conv kitchen priv or breakfast: ladies 6T1I Ynnt iwm suitable fcr 1 or 2 mod' and homelike Garfield G019 SiiTI I ST Beautifully furn room for bus couple or 2 genta priv fam homelike 86TH 145 1 Desirable front room fcr iadv or cwte: $1 $5 and $6 7TH 1770 tot Euclid ami Clean well furnished nn and good board gentleman onl Garf 891 1 1217 Comfonacle rm suit for 2 to restaurant Superior car Gar 595 8STH 2043 Largp front nn 4 windown Mm ht running water 2 in a dor beds suitable for 2 or 4 gents nr Euclid syni ST Well furn frt nn ref young man small priv family Garf li RhTH 2046 Suite A Room for two young men laundry mendlbg and breakfast if desired IX 88T11 nr Jduc Deairable rm mod at7bt apt prir fam pref Cedar 20x52 Suite Nicelv fum nn ht flat for lady etap priv of flat 89TH Sleep and 1 i rm also ainalle rms for hskpg Garfield 8066 90TTT Cedar or Euclid car nicely furn cheerful front nn in modem home 111TH ST Burn room all conv Superior ca gentlonui pieferred Garf 5145 HUTH BL f727 Dea tm in apt with 3 tenHiern bun umnan pref nf Gurf 8868 1 117TH HT oih Nicely turn nn hrl'ft optional all conr rea a 1181'11 1610 clrwe to lAiTTynii ty (i Nil 5 warm front rm I nr 2 gmits conv ph one 123D bl Nicely Hurntehed room tor genl i 13 1ST bT NiVciy furaihed room In private fitalyA mar Mile 1431 443 nnitehed rm relercncc re My 4248 EDWARDS AV 1330 Larg? furnished rut it room gp nttein 1 1 $5 ETHEL AV rm with or without board Catholic pref also gar at same address un i id ssiT jn7n MEN I TKNISHKO ROOMS PIHVATK BATH oil ONE OH TWO GENTLEMEN DISCRIMINATION DE SEHHOUNDINGS: BHEAKl'AST SE11VED El'lClENT AND MAID EUCLID 5905 Suito I urn tront room able ror2 genttemon every couveniemo EUCLID ront rm connecting bath steam heatjncn or couile preferred a EUClID AV 2 "sing sloping rms $3 and also tokg nn 5 conv EUCLID AV rms steam heat limning water real home ElCLiD ANitoTir ST rii htjiud board EUCLID 3608 Ths Bluebird Beautiful furn rm twin tod ami bath EUCLID ppy'urpieas at heated rms all conv Gar JiOfiL EUCLID ARCADE 30 Room Secure lit of inspected rooms aud kitchenet suites no tee Main 2530 Gillce open 8:30 to 8 in EUCLID ANDE 105TH temnt room Garfield 1613 EUCLID AV nr Newly fnrn rm 1 stin ht gents Garfield 2287 after 2 in EUCLID Extrii 1g rm for 3 or 4: 2 closets conv to bath excellent home cooking I ante well furnished njom twin also single room reas municipal heat EUCLID Large rooms board optional luit Water brut private home Eddy 3070 AV EUCLID 10515 cor 105th Suite 21 Large ht front rm all cony 1 or 2 call eve EUC HTri ear 30 min out pleas rm break fast private home men air 1896 ERNWOOD Will heard and rm 2 gen tlemen or married couple in my private home block from car line Eddy 3lG9 RANKLIN Nicely furn room private fam refined gent $5 Itemtogk RANKLIN 6203 Lg nn for gentleman Lraut home private bath Hem 224 AV7 1338 Lkwd Comfortable room in private family of 2 adults home privileges call I EM iSGth Xoatly turn rnm gents 2 min from Detroit Lkwd 229 HAMPDEN AV 1O011 Larg front room pri vate ia i Iv tarfield 3442 H)UGlA3pleas conf rm st ht apt 1 1 us ma reu a rf 65 02 HO 60 Irge front nn running water Miu ht twin toils Rand 95 1 1 A 1 54 omfortabi furn? front room in priv fam conv to car with or wit ho breakfast reas te i is 1DAROSE 14307 Cozy room for two rnnn $8 single $5 private family Eddy 1698 i LAKE AV 2 room suite with shower hath new4 strictly private home garage Lkwd 1 3404 lAkEVlEW Lz pleas rm kltch priv QHfet home reas Eddy 24S0 Room aud lxard small family all privileges of well appointed home reason able couple preferred Lakewood 2820 LKWD GENTLEMAN" TRNL ftltONT ROOM ST HT PRIVATE AMILY LKWD 2697 LKWD near Clifton car ront rm private fam gentleman ref Lkwd 12S2 LArONTAV10rW co'ft 1 0 ftuctal or Bayne car Two room suite with bath in private family or will rent as single rms tar CS6 LARCHMONT 1550 Pleasant front rm board optional: suitable for 1 or 2 reasonable Iake wood 225 LARCHMONT 1550 Pleasant front nn Joard opt suitable for 1 or 2 teas Lkwd 225 itaWNATEW Nicely turn rm' pnv fam Ram lol ph 6 18 LINWOOD AV $412 Nicely furn front room all conv private family Garf 814 urirm in private fam for 2 gentlemen or couple MARLOWE AV Lkwd Rm for business girl toard optional Lkwd 5368 NEWMAN AV Large comfortable room suit for I or 2 gentlemen one min from Detroit car line Lakewood 2071 NATHANIEL tu 516 Nicely furnished front room steam heat for gentleman near 5 Points Eddy 6526 NO RT I I i LD A Conir turn nr? Euclid home priv Eddy 723 PARKWOOD DR urnished room In private home Cedar 3Qs5 Evr 3206 Suite 32 Pleas nn in quiet stag apt: clean restful homelike full privilege of apt: three only itleal for wholesome demo cratic fellow: reas Protestant American with A 1 ref preferred ProspRrt 73 IV evenings I 8 EC'r 1427 clean front deep or tekpg or 2 tods laundry aksql hick nu cln front $3 large front nn $5 ebr all conv sleeping BUTLER anti houa inan exper good relcr uiuIh position Box 15011 Blnin Prater BUTLER Mrdish wtehw pmuiion in family TMUW0n 1 171 66tli si Garfield 5802 CnATTEUR ptdenrnnnd general work around the housn: white Garfield 8406 bbl2 Birchdate av White docs fam and bundleah work a specialty also lace cur caltedffor Pujk nultaph 3612 irst class washing to take home called and delivered Garf 8107 LAUNDRY work or cleaning 8 hrs per day Rabb 3032 1 1 LAUNDRY work: colored $250 2792 43d st down NURSE English wishes practical or mental nuraing five nursing home experience iiteiicr vans dteeasi'g excellent testinmniah will ing to tratel Apply Box 23997 Plain Graduate will care for convalescent In valid or chronic patients at my ideal home rct IM Crawford rd 7006 NURSE practical will hourly nursing any number hmira you require daily retcrence Garfield 7116 NURSE Will care for invalid conv or elderly lady at mv hotqe Odar 3159' PlTVcTTCAlI NURSE Will care for invalid 3x34 Bosworth rd ill vTrft Keccxp desires pos with reliable concern Box 14J1S Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHER Beginner a ex perience for general or ordinary office work 1 lox 221 8 Ila iitI teab Ki 1 A 1 Sect vi 5 eonnevliou with reliable firm Hem lock 2056 REINED young woman wishes work in refined home could take entire care employed home children country no objection give de tails Box 191 1 Plain Dealer COMPETENT office woman efficient in both bkkp steno capable of taking full charge at present employed desires to make change Box 24718 Dealer NEAT young woman want position as house keeper in a motherless home of 1 or 2 children not oyer 7jeara of agefox 7118 Plain Dealer LADY with daughter 8 yrs requiring position a honsekpecr in good borne small wage No Mrs Cartman North Offnated REINED young woman wtehes work in Christianscience home could leave city (Wails re quested jtox 1 to 18 in Dealer ANSED RD 1886 Well furn rm refined Jiorue dosirftblo location jiear Euclid and 165th BRJDGEAV 5S20 um nn for lady us of Ktoiton and Other humc privilegea reasonable UARN1 GIE S012 Suite Lge moj atm heated nn no other roomer gentlementaro 82 15 i'ARNGIE AV 2 and 3 rm tekpg suitiK el Ita $7 $9 bct loc Rami 7616 CARNEGIE 3857 arge rm imfurri for vple in priv home colored pref Rand 488 CARNEGIE 7030 PlmTtront rm in priv heme bcstof home conv Randolph 4087 CARNEGIE 5121 cor 55 th Single outride rm nachelor apartment steam hcai rcaa 8591 Largo frt rm twin beds twin closets grate bay window priv home CARNEGIE AV nicely furnished frontroom for 2 or 3 Randolph 7796 CARNEGIE 3215 Pleasant dean room with miming water ami elec Its $1 wk CARNEG1 A Largle ping nns $3 and $5 genta only: flue location CARNEGI1 3310 1 nicely furn frt rm pnv home nr 3 cars ladies pref CARNEGIE 7818 suite beautiful rooms $1 and shower bath ElAR AV nr 2 1g connecting frt rms st ht 11 conv gems fifl I CEfAR AV Nicely furnished alctpina room for gentleman or couple AV ROOM AND IKWID $8 WEEK CLARENDON RD toau furn rms hi priv home reas air 3688 PLIroN Steam heated lurntehed nn with breakfast for hnrinoM woman private family reference required Lkwd 4780 CLUvroNcor Donald Room and bVakfast for gentleman ftteftm heated apartment Lkwd 4268 'cl*tON urnished roum all conv wd 3665 CORl'UVA AV urn room for young man nr couple employed CORE ETT 1 1 EACH WOO I A 1 urn ished mom use of kitchen Call evenings 67 nr? or 2 beaut room suit for I or 2 refined gentlemenor bwineas ladiee reference I DETROr? 591 irst elasa fiPrnT riiiH in beaut home one block from 65th Hem 4529 ET RO IT NTceljlurn front nn? xv ell heated in priv home 2 gents Ihnn 1511 DETROIT 8811 Suite Nicelv fum nn stiii htd priv fam gents pref Item 2194 DETROIT ront rm suitable for 2 private fam toard $10 wk Lkwd 52R6 DETROIT AV Lkwd fain Tnr uAtlr I DIN CT 7709 Suite Clean quiet steeping rm housekeeping optional private family S2D 2072 COR CARNEGIE Large double room well furnished comfortable Hume yiatio A board optional II 821 1432 Nicely fum room private fam 1 or 2 bmlnnw women breakfast optional near Hade Park cars Gurfbld s2L 2053 nr Enr 1st class twin beds prir bath also sing rm men Cedar 1115 821 2052 Lite airy rm twin beds cpb or gents er cottr a)o sgle rm Gar b2L ig pleas comf rm $450 each sing rm $ti conr priv Main Garf 2557 821) 1fi(i Su Beautiful fur room tor two steam heat adjoining bath reasonable 82I LARGE IM) LB LU T1X K1S 1 STEA 1 1 EAT S2l 1JS5 2 nn suites newly furnished all conv best loc Garfield isofi 82J H'gh elass nns all convenience for gentlemen Euclid car 82i 15( IToasaut room nome pririlgea Garfield 79(1 S2l iOG'J No 6 Large sleeping room for man.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

In August 2013, The Plain Dealer reduced home delivery from seven days a week to four: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It continued to publish an edition seven days a week that is available in electronic form at, and in print at stores, newsracks and newsstands.

Why is Cleveland's newspaper called The Plain Dealer? ›

Its name was probably inspired by a former Jacksonian paper published in New York. Among its early staff members was CHAS. FARRAR BROWNE, who created the character "Artemus Ward." In the years leading up to the CIVIL WAR, the Plain Dealer was the local Democratic organ in a Republican city and region.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

Is The Plain Dealer out of business? ›

CLEVELAND — The Plain Dealer as we know it is no more. Last week, 22 journalists were laid off. On Monday, the remaining 14 staff members with a few exceptions were told they could no longer cover Cleveland, Cuyahoga County or the state of Ohio.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

Who owns the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

In April, Advance Local—which owns the Plain Dealer as well as, a non-unionized digital news operation—laid off twenty-two Plain Dealer staffers. (Advance positions as a separate media entity, though stories from both newsrooms have always appeared on the same site and print paper.)

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

How much is a Cleveland Plain Dealer subscription? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

How do I contact The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

Q: Will I still be able to get daily news items, like obituaries and weather? Q: On which mobile devices does the e-edition work? A: You can access the e-edition through a browser on any device that has an Internet connection–tablet, smartphone, desktop, laptop–making The Plain Dealer easier to access than ever!

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Many whites and middle class people continue to leave city life for suburban life. Even some of the closest suburbs such as East Cleveland are being brought down too. Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city.

When did Cleveland decline? ›

The Greater Cleveland area's population had more than doubled between 1940 and 1960, but grew only from 2.7 to 3.3 million in the next 20 years--and actually declined by nearly 300,000 between 1970 and 1990.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.