The Last Sourdough Bread Recipe You Ever Need (2024)

Hendrik Kleinwächter

Dec 22, 2020

This is the best and most complete sourdough bread recipe you ever need, consistently rewarding you with world class beautiful and tasty sourdough bread every time.

Update: You can now read the extended version of this recipe in my free book starting page 57.

Everything is done from scratch, explained in detail, easy for you to follow leaving no questions unanswered.This masterclass looks at the recipe as well as the why behind it.That way you know how to adapt when things go sideways. The original class can be found as a video on my YouTube channel.Please note this is only for wheat based breads with more than 80% wheat.

I am assuming that you want to bake the sourdough bread in the morning to have it ready for breakfast.This recipe assumes that you want to have the dough ready on Saturday morning.You might have to adjust the days depending on when you actually want it ready.


  • 400g bread flour (> 10% protein), in German take T550
  • 100g whole wheat flour
  • 275-350g water (see below)
  • 100g active sourdough starter (20%)
  • 10g salt (2%)

Note - the more protein your flour has, the more water you can use. This is crucial as you might bake a frisbee in case you overdo it.

Flour % Protein % Hydration (bakers math) Grams water absolute for 500g flour
< 10 55 275
10-12 60 300
13-14 65 325
> 15 70 350


The key to making great sourdough bread is to controll the fermentation process.This is the one parameter that you need to understand and master, the rest is just 20%.That’s why you want to make sure to have a healthy and active sourdough starter.

Readying the sourdough starter

Your sourdough should be able to double in size within 5-10 hours after a feeding at room temperature.If it does, then perfect. If not, consider feeding your starter with the below shown process.Furthermore you want to check out this video on 4 tips that will make your sourdough starter more active.

Note the 1:5:5 in the image means, 10 grams of sourdough starter, 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of water.You want to be feeding ideally whole rye, or whole wheat flour. This will make a more activesourdough starter.


  • Mix flour and water, fully hydrating flour
  • Let it rest at room temperature over night
  • Make sure that there are no crumbly parts of flour left.

Bulk fermentation

In the morning on Friday you want to mix everything together. This startsthe bulk fermentation stage. Bulk since you could actually be doublingall the ingredients and then you could make 2..N breads at the same time.

  1. Add the active starter to the main dough
  2. Add the salt to the main dough
  3. Mix until everything is nicely hom*ogenized (very important)
    1. For me this takes around 1 minute
    2. It might take you up to 5 minutes
  4. You want to make sure the sourdough starter has been evenly spread accross the dough.

Let the dough sit for another 15 minutes covered. I like to use a large metal pot.This makes sure the gluten network forms again after we damaged it while adding the starter.

  1. Now remove the dough and place it on your bench (no flour!)
  2. Extract a small sample from the dough and place it in a cylindric shaped container.
  3. A shot glass works, or anything else that has a cylindric shape.This sample will tell us exactly when the dough is done bulk fermenting. Mark the doughwith a rubber band or a marker. This way we can see the size increase.

Next up we want to create dough strength.. There are multiple ways wecan do that, however for this recipe we will be doing a set of bench kneading only. The higheryou go in hydration, the more dough strength you have to build. You could of coursealso be using a mixer to do the same thing.

  1. Proceed with kneading the dough on the bench. It’s important that you have no flour on the surface.
  2. Pull the dough as far out as you can, without tearing it
  3. Fold over the dough to glue itself together
  4. Repeat once from each side
  5. Drag the dough over the surface using your hands at a 45° angle
    1. This only works because the dough is stuck on the surface
    2. Your dough ball should become nice and round
  6. Wait a minute, repeat the same process 3 times

Great. You have now built a dough with a lot of strength. Return the dough to your container, it should be a nice and smooth round ball.If it is not, wait another 15 minutes, return it to the surface, practice rounding the dough ball one more time.

Make sure that your dough sample has been properly marked in the container. It’s crucial that you hom*ogenized the dough properly initially,else the dough sample might be slower or faster than the main dough.Ideally both should be close together and the dough should be thesame temperature as your room temperature. This way both doughsferment at the same speed.

Depending on the amount of protein (out of which 80% is gluten for wheat), we need toaim for a different size increase. The more gluten you have,the more you can inflate the dough. This is crucial to know.Furthermore, the more gluten you have, the longer you can ferment your dough.Over time the gluten is damaged by the acid produced by sourdoughresulting in a weaker gluten network. You’ll notice that for instanceif your dough was nice and round and then suddenly it’s very sticky.

Flour % Protein % Size increase
< 10 10-20
10-12 20-40
13-14 40-70
> 15 70-110

While your dough is bulk fermenting, you can be doing a stretch and foldevery few hours. Typically when you see your dough has flattened out quite a lot.However, the more you touch your dough, the more even your crumb is going to be in the end.

Coil folding is a great way to stretch and fold and every gentle on the dough:

  • Slightly wet hands with cold water
  • Release dough from sides of container
    1. Use a very light touch; the less you touch the dough the better
    2. Do 2 opposite sides, then 3rd side pull dough under and then 4th side roll it over. See the full video
  • Return to container and cover

This can take anywhere between 4 and 12 hours. Check out this table that shows fermentation times depending on your temperature.Please also take this with a grain of salt, as this might differ depending on your starter and other issues.The sample is the single best way to check your fermentation progress.

Shaping the dough

Your dough should look bubbly. Proceed and shape when your samplehas reached the desired size increase. A tight shaping is essentialto then allow your dough to spring in the oven. At the same timeyou have to be careful to not deflate your dough too much.

  • Prepare your banneton (if using)
  • Very lightly flour counter/surface
    1. Flip dough out onto it
  • Do letter fold to stick dough together
  • Gently push out and roll together, tightly
    1. Pinch ends closed (for oval loaf)
  • Gently flip over and put in banneton (or lined container)
    1. Pinch bottom seam together, for more tension (for boule)
  • Lightly sprinkle flour over top (and rice flour along sides of banneton, to prevent sticking)
  • See the full video on shaping the dough

Proofing stage

The proofing stage is essential to inflate the tightened gluten network again.It’s sometimes a little hard to make this work with your schedule. This is where yourfridge comes in handy as you can decide when you want to bake your bread.

  • Will take 2-4 hours at room temperature (until the finger poke test is passed)
    • Place shortly before the finger poke test passes in the freezer for 45 minutes to make scoring easier
  • Or - place for 1 hour at room temperature, then another 6-24 hours in the fridge. This way your bread will be ready directly for breakfast.

I have added 1 more flowchart for the process at room temperature:

And then if you opt for the fridge option, do it like this:


Baking is then the last stage where everything comes together. You can either bake using a dutch oven, or using a tray and/or a stone.Make sure that the baking medium is preheated, as this makes sure that you have more oven spring.

  • Preheat oven for maximum for at least 30 minutes
  • If using Dutch oven, heat it in the oven for about 30 min. (lid separated)
  • If baking on sheet or stone, heat stone and sheet while heating oven
    1. Also heat the container (e.g. cast iron skillet) at the bottom of the oven to use to create steam)
    2. Place inverted baking tray (with sides) on uppermost rack of oven after putting in bread, to catch the steam. At 30 min., remove this tray and the water container
  • Gently turn dough out of banneton onto parchment, or directly into hot dutch oven (careful!)
  • Score dough to control where you will have oven spring. This takes a few attempts. You can practice this when you initially kneaded and made a smooth ball.
  • Place in Dutch oven or on baking stone or sheet

Good job. The dough should flatten out a little bit, but then spring back in the oven.

Change the temperature of your oven to 230°C and make sure the fan is turned off.

  • Bake for 30 min.
    1. Remove lid of Dutch oven or remove top inverted tray and water container (if using)
    2. This makes sure we no longer have steam. That way you will develop a nice crust.
  • Bake for 15-20 min. more until your bread has your personal desired color
  • It is ready when the core temperature reached 95°C.
  • Remove from oven and cool on cooling rack (without parchment) for at least four hours before slicing

And here is another crumb shot to finish the recipe. Please let me know if your bread looks similar. Thanks to Peg Ross for helping me write this down!

Thank you, your rating will be displayed shortly. May the gluten be strong with you.

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The Last Sourdough Bread Recipe You Ever Need (2024)


What is the secret to good sourdough bread? ›

Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Making Sourdough
  • Use your sourdough starter at its peak. ...
  • Moisten the surface of the dough before baking for more rise. ...
  • Handle with care: be gentle with your dough. ...
  • Use sifted flour to make your sourdough less dense. ...
  • Soak your flour beforehand for a lighter loaf. ...
  • Just add water for softer sourdough.

What is the best flour for sourdough bread? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour. Why do you need to use these two types of flour?

Who is the bread code guy? ›

I'm Hendrik and I have a mission to enable everyone around the world to bake delicious bread at home. I am obsessed with the "why" and science behind each recipe. The name TheBreadCode originates from me being a software engineer. I am the author of the nerd baking book "The Sourdough Framework".

What is the secret behind the sour of sourdough bread? ›

There are two main acids produced in a sourdough culture: lactic acid and acetic acid. Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

What is the secret ingredient in sourdough bread? ›

The signature sourdough flavor comes from a combination of lactic and acetic acids, created as the dough rises and ferments. Refrigerating the dough encourages the production of more acetic acid, which is the tangier of the two. Thus, this bread with its refrigerated starter has the ideal balance of sour flavor.

Why do you put honey in sourdough bread? ›

You'll find I use honey in many of my recipes. I love to use it in my no-knead 100% whole wheat sourdough bread because it makes it much softer and less dense than it would be without it. Subbing it in recipes that call for sugar is not usually as simple as a one-to-one sub, though.

What flour do Italians use for sourdough? ›

Grano tenero flours are generally used in Italy to make both bread and pastries. Typo 2 (type 2) flour is high in bran, and still slightly coarse.

How to make sourdough more sour? ›

More stretch and folds

Typically, people do about 3-5 stretch and folds in the process of making a loaf of sourdough bread. If you do 2-4 more of them, it helps produce a more sour dough.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

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Hope is the poor man's bread.

What is black bread real name? ›

Blackbeard's real name is not definitely known, though he was generally called Edward Teach. Nevertheless, he is referred to in some documents as Edward Thatch or even Edward Drummond. He is thought to have been born in Bristol, but some writers claim New York, California, Philadelphia, or even Denmark as his home.

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red bread is a social justice organic kitchen. we offer farm to table food and baked goods, featuring ingredients from sustainable organic farms. it is our goal to bring the best possible food and information to the communities in which we operate. we believe strongly that food is medicine - and should be delicious!

What flour makes sourdough more sour? ›

For more tang: Incorporate some rye flour and/or whole wheat flour early in the bread-making process, such as when feeding the mother culture and the preferment. Rye flour in particular will help your culture produce some acetic acid.

Can you add vinegar to sourdough bread? ›

Hack: apple cider vinegar. I often add about a tablespoon of ACV to bread as a dough conditioner. This doesn't affect the flavor much if at all. There are some recipes that use larger amount of ACV as a hack to create a sourdough flavor without the fermentation.

Why is sourdough bread easier on your stomach? ›

Sourdough bread may be easier to digest than white bread for some people. According to some studies, sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria are important for maintaining a stable, healthy digestive system.

What makes sourdough bread more flavorful? ›

Longer fermentation

As your dough proofs, the good bacteria eats up sugars and starches in the flour. This decreases the sweet undertone and creates a more sour undertone. The longer you ferment, the more starches and sugars the bacteria eats, and the more sour your bread will be.

How can I make my sourdough rise better? ›

Another tip is to add some sugar or honey to the dough, as this will also help the yeast become more active. Keep the dough and starter in a warm environment, between 70° and 90° is ideal. To ensure it rises at its quickest rate. With these tips, you'll be sure to get your sourdough starter rising quickly!

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Think Beyond White Flour

Instead of going 100 percent white, try mixing in 10 percent to 30 percent of another flour. Consider rye, spelt, hard winter wheat, or whatever special wheats your local mill carries. This is a painless way to layer deep, robust notes into your sourdough.

How to make your sourdough fluffier? ›

Step 3: Cover and let the dough rise for 10-12 hours. This is called bulk rise or bulk fermentation. Step 4: After 10-12 hours, the dough should be doubled (or even tripled) in size. Many recipes will tell you the dough is over-proofed if it triples in size but I find that it makes deliciously fluffy bread this way!

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