Joe Cross and Phil Staples Mean Green Juice Recipe Fast (2024)

Joe Cross and Phil Staples Mean Green Juice Recipe Fast (1)
Mean Green Juice

This is the"Mean Green" Juice drinkrecipeused in their Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead movie, sometimes called the Joe Cross diet or the Joe Cross recipe. During the filming of the documentary movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, overweight Joe Cross and Phil Staples ate a diet mix ofvegetablesand fruits made into juice by his Breville juicer, commonly called juicing. Thenutritionalvalue benefits of this green juice drink recipes is below.

Remember the veggie purchase by Joe Cross at the pickup truck on the side of the road at the beginning of the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead movie? Joe bought onions, tomatoes and celery for his raw juice recipes and his 60 day juice fast. We assume thesevegetablesto be organic, but this is not required. You can also see carrots though out the movie as he juices his way across the USA to lose weight. Joe Cross also consumed various fruit and juice drinks.

If your looking to juicing for cleansing or just to reduce weight, this juice recipe works very well and gives your body most of what it needs to get healthier while enjoying the benefits of juicing.

TIPS: Don't rush out and buy multiple pounds of everyvegetable.Peeling the lemon takes away some of thebitterness in the juice.Kale has a strong taste, try 60g to start with. If the taste to you is awful, use romaine lettuce instead of the kale. More tips on juicing and start up can be found HERE.

Joe Cross and Phil Staples Mean Green Juice Recipe Fast (2)
Phil and Joe 2013

There are many raw green juice or "Joe Cross juice cleanse recipes" available on the web. Is this the best green juice recipe? That is up to you to decide. A bit of this and a bit of that, and you can make a green juice that you can enjoy in any juice cleanse or diet. You can also go to a juice bar and try many different juicing recipes. "Jamba Juice" is a well known place with many healthy drinks to try, although many are heavy with fruit. Wheat grass is another popular juice with juicers.Let me know what recipes you come up with by posting in the comments section.

Mean Green Juice nutrition facts and nutritional information
Joe's organic mean green juice recipe has no Vitamin D or B12(see info below), this is the reason why you should not consume this raw foodvegetablejuice drink as your only meal. If you make thisvegetablejuice as your only meal, you should be taking a vitamin supplement. Australian Joe Cross, has since added spinach to this juicing recipe as seen in the video below. Time marches on.

4 celery stalks (136g)

1 cucumber (301g)

2 apples, green (granny smith) (364g)

1/2 of a lemon (29g)

lump of Ginger (11g)

Here's the approximate nutrient values for the above recipe(not per "juice") as listed, based on the USDA charts.This Joe Cross juice he called mean green, supplied a steady stream of nutrients for his body. To compute your daily vitamin/mineral intake, multiply the values given times the number of recipes you consume per day, compare this against your juicing goals.

Nutritional value information of Mean Green

Water g 1015.247
Energy kcal 356.300
Energy kJ 1497.600
Protein g 9.228
Total lipid (fat) g 2.422
Ash g 5.994
Carbohydrate, by difference g 86.103
Fiber, total dietary g XXXX
Sugars, total g 49.267
Sucrose g 7.956
Glucose (dextrose) g 12.788
Fructose g 25.630
Lactose g 0.000
Maltose g 0.030
Galactose g 1.987
Starch g 2.680
Calcium, Ca mg 352.250
Iron, Fe mg 4.043
Magnesium, Mg mg 135.910
Phosphorus, P mg 256.180
Potassium, K mg 2205.330
Sodium, Na mg 301.060
Zinc, Zn mg 1.691
Copper, Cu mg 0.690
Manganese, Mn mg 1.584
Fluoride, F µg 27.965
Selenium, Se µg 3.317
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 186.023
Thiamin mg 0.345
Riboflavin mg 0.522
Niacin mg 2.831
Pantothenic acid mg 1.922
Vitamin B-6 mg 0.839
Folate, total µg 177.520
Folic acid µg 0.000
Folate, food µg 177.520
Folate, DFE mcg_DFE 177.520
Choline, total mg 53.444
Betaine mg 0.966
Vitamin B-12 µg 0.000
Vitamin B-12, added µg 0.000
Vitamin A, RAE mcg_RAE 961.450
Retinol µg 0.000
Carotene, beta µg 11472.680
Carotene, alpha µg 33.400
Cryptoxanthin, beta µg 124.100
Vitamin A, IU IU 19245.360
Lycopene µg 0.000
Lutein + zeaxanthin µg 45721.310
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) mg 1.630
Vitamin E, added mg 0.000
Tocopherol, beta mg 0.030
Tocopherol, gamma mg 0.090
Tocopherol, delta mg 0.000
Vitamin D (D2 + D3) µg 0.000
Vitamin D IU 0.000
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) µg 1068.786
Dihydrophylloquinone µg 0.000
Fatty acids, total saturated g 0.476
4:00 g 0.000
6:00 g 0.000
8:00 g 0.001
10:00 g 0.000
12:00 g 0.007
14:00 g 0.027
15:00 g 0.000
16:00 g 0.392
17:00 g 0.000
18:00 g 0.045
20:00 g 0.000
22:00 g 0.000
24:00:00 g 0.000
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated g 0.216
14:1 g 0.000
15:1 g 0.000
16:1 undifferentiated g 0.007
17:1 g 0.000
18:1 undifferentiated g 0.205
20:1 g 0.001
22:1 undifferentiated g 0.000
20:2 n-6 c,c (Eicosadienoic acid) g 0.000
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated g 0.944
18:2 undifferentiated (Linoleic acid) g 0.666
18:3 undifferentiated (Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)) g 0.262
18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000
18:4 (Parinaric acid) g 0.000
20:3 undifferentiated (Podocarpic acid) g 0.000
20:4 undifferentiated (Arachidonic acid (AA)) g 0.002
20:5 n-3 (EPA) g 0.000
22:5 n-3 (DPA) g 0.000
22:6 n-3 (DHA) g 0.000
Cholesterol mg 0.000
Phytosterols mg 105.530
Amino acids 0.000
Tryptophan g 0.092
Threonine g 0.309
Isoleucine g 0.376
Leucine g 0.500
Lysine g 0.441
Methionine g 0.074
Cystine g 0.078
Phenylalanine g 0.335
Tyrosine g 0.198
Valine g 0.404
Arginine g 0.427
Histidine g 0.166
Alanine g 0.373
Aspartic acid g 1.087
Glutamic acid g 1.392
Glycine g 0.353
Proline g 0.347
Serine g 0.319
Alcohol, ethyl g 0.000
Caffeine mg 0.000
Theobromine mg 0.000

You should note the areas in red above, they indicate a short fall that requires supplementation. We store between 2 and 5 milligrams of vitamin B12 and only excrete a very small fraction of B12 each day. Nevertheless, over time, vitamin B12 deficiency can develop if stores are not replenished with vitamin B12 from the diet or from supplements. Although bacteria in the large intestine of humans do produce vitamin B12, this intestinal vitamin B12 does not appear to be absorbed and is not adequate to prevent a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vegans should use a vitamin B12 supplement, either as a single supplement or in a multivitamin should use supplements regularly. Even though a supplement may contain many times the recommended intake level of vitamin B12, when vitamin B12 intake is high, not as much appears to be absorbed. This means in order to meet your needs, you should take a daily vitamin B12 supplement routinely.

Many adults obtain adequate vitamin D if they regularly spend time outdoors in spring, summer and autumn (winter needs to be supplemented) with body exposure. A dietary intake of vitamin D in the winter can be ensured by eating fortified foods or taking supplements. In northern latitudes vegan women who are breast feeding should ensure their intake during winter by using fortified foods or taking supplements.

Please take a moment and let me know your thoughts on juicing and your diet goals. Related search terms used by many include, juice cleanse, raw foods and juice fast.

Joe Cross and Phil Staples Mean Green Juice Recipe Fast (2024)


How many cups of green juice a day? ›

What is an appropriate amount of green juice to drink? As always, consulting with your doctor will give you the best answer for your individual situation. Research is mixed on how often you can drink green juice however a good rule of thumb starting out is to drink it once per day.

How does the green juice diet work? ›

One of the key green juice benefits is its ability to support immune function and overall health. Green juices are typically loaded with leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, which are rich in immune-boosting vitamins such as Vitamin C and E, as well as essential minerals like iron and magnesium.

Is green juice worth the hype? ›

Green juice benefits

A green juice can be a refreshing and sometimes low-calorie and low-sugar beverage. For example, Suja Uber Greens has 50 calories and only 5 grams of natural sugars in 12 ounces. Juices retain much of the vitamins and minerals in the leafy greens (or other veggies).

How long did Joe Cross juice fast? ›

Cross survived on nothing but juices for 60 days during his juice fast.

What time of day is best to drink green juice? ›

Drinking green juice in the morning is a great way to give your body the hydration and nutrients it needs to function at its best. By choosing a green juice that contains adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, you can also help regulate cortisol levels and reduce stress, promoting overall health and wellness.

Is it OK to drink green juice everyday? ›

Drinking green juice in moderation can boost your intake of multiple nutrients, but too much may cause serious side effects. Green vegetables are a rich source of oxalic acid, or oxalate, which is considered an antinutrient because it binds to minerals in food and stops your digestive tract from absorbing them.

What happens when you drink green juice on an empty stomach? ›


If you find eating breakfast causes digestive upset or have digestive problems overall, having a green juice is a great way to start the day. You are absorbing nutrients in the easiest fashion, being gentle on your gut and healing it at the same time!

How long does it take to see results from green juice? ›

You could see results in as little as a week of drinking green juices. You'll notice a boost of energy, loss of weight, and less stress as a result of consuming a healthy cup of green juice.

How much weight will I lose if I juice for 3 days? ›

Your starting weight, your level of physical activity, the duration of your cleanse, and the types of juices you consume all play a role in how much weight you lose. On average, people can lose anywhere from 3-10 pounds on a 3-7 day juice cleanse.

Is green juice better in morning or night? ›

1) Green juice first thing in the morning

After we sleep, when we wake up our bodies are somewhat dehydrated, and so having green juice will get high-quality water back into your body in the form of juice. Green juice in the morning is an awesome way to kick off your day towards healthier habits!

Does green juice make you lose weight? ›

Promoting natural detoxification: Green juices typically contain ingredients that support the body's natural detoxification process, such as lemon, ginger, and leafy greens. By improving the natural detox processes, green juices enhance digestion and promote weight loss.

How much weight can I lose on a green juice fast? ›

People fasting on juice are found to reduce 7-10 pounds a week, though much of this weight is water weight. Juices detoxify - Juices flush the harmful toxins out of your body and reduce the retention of water. Detoxification is best served by consuming juices made of green leafy vegetables.

How much weight will I lose on a 7 day juice fast? ›

Will a 7-day juice cleanse help me lose weight? Yes, research shows that people can lose 1-2lbs of weight per day on a juice cleanse. Ultimately, this figure is influenced by your starting weight, metabolic rate, and activity levels.

How many times a day should I drink Mean green juice? ›

This means they provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients these types of ingredients can offer. For most people who are healthy and have normal intestinal flora, drinking one fresh juice every day would be sufficient for their needs.

How much weight can you lose on a 7 day juice cleanse? ›

The amount of weight one might lose with a juice cleanse can vary widely based on factors such as the duration of the cleanse, individual metabolism, and physical activity level. However, in the short term, people might see a loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day.

How many cups of juice should I drink a day? ›

While there is controversy surrounding the sugar content of juice, it's a much healthier option than other sugar-sweetened beverages, such as soda or energy drinks. Try to limit your intake to 1–2 cups (240–480 ml) per day, and opt for whole fruits and vegetables instead whenever possible.

How much juicing should I drink a day? ›

For people who are unable to eat solid fruit due to some illness, several servings of juice daily can provide important nutrients. However, for the rest of us, most recommendations suggest that we drink no more than 3/4 to 1 cup of fruit juice a day.

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