Ai, -Friday, May 21, 1993 The Honolulu Advertiser mm mm Big Me to pay legal costs Council OKs funds in suit against former police chief THE WEATHER 1 rX7A TODAY TONIGHT TGft.jliHQW Corporation Counsel Richard Wurdeman said Paul has to be defended by an outside attorney St- while the county's corporation counsel staff continues to defend the county. That will avoid potential conflicts of interest between the defendants criminal Investigation Paul launched against them and, for various rc-assignmenta regarded as punitive. Some of the accusations led to misdemeanor charges being made in court that ultimately were resolved through deferred prosecution agreements following plea bargaining. Paul has declined public comment on the suits by De Morales and the others. Paul told the police commission in 1988 that he believed there was "a cancer" developing within the department because of alleged gambling and other illegal activities.
mer mayor Dante Carpenter and the county. He collected in 1991. All three were defended by the same team of county attorneys. Carter's attorney argued that Paul should have had separate counsel. Carter eventually reached an out-of-court settlement with the county.
In the meantime, former police Maj. Roland Pacheco and several present department leaders, including Deputy Chief Francis De Morales and assistant chiefs Glenn Todd and John De Sa, sued the county and Paul for damages resulting for a By Hugh Clark Advertiser Big Island Bureau HILO, Hawaii The Hawaii County Council yesterday approved a request to provide up to $75,000 to hire independent defense counsel for retired Police Chief Guy Paul. Paul left his job suddenly in August 1988 in the climax to a long-running feud in the department. He is the main defendant in suit brought by nine present and former officers for allegedly abusing their rights. A second lawsuit, by retired Lt.
James Moniz, former vice squad chief, also is '-r I i i Paul in the case, according to Council members. In earlier litigation in the complex dispute, police Maj. Richard Carter sued Paul, for- Photo courtesy NOAA-NESDIS Activity in weather systems north of the Islands has changed local weather. As the low pressure strengthened (L), it eroded much of the high system (H, zigzag) to the south of it. This results in lighter trade winds and afternoon mountain showers instead of the typical morning and evening light rains.
Lawmakers call for Mathison probe daily basis until this matter is resolved." VI- 4 73 ISLAND SKIES NEIGHBOR ISLAND NEWS Sunrise: 5 51 am Set 7:05 pm am Set 7:36 pm Moon Phases: new, May 21; first, May 28; June 4, full; June 11, last By Hugh Clark Advertiser Big Island Bureau HILO, Hawaii The Big Island Citizens for Justice Committee, formed in the aftermath of Yvonne Mathison's death last November, yesterday renewed its call for an independent investigation of the death. Spokeswoman May Apple McCullough told the" county Police Commission she has gained support from Rep. Patsy Mink, State Sen. Andy Levin of the Big Island and Rep. Annelle Amaral of Oahu in her drive for an independent investigation into the death of the Hilo obstetrics nurse.
Mathison, 43, died Nov. 27 in Puna after being struck by a van operated by her husband, Police Sgt, Kenneth Mathison, 41, while both were on vacation. A renewed police investigation into the death is under way after the case was returned to the department by prosecutors in Mink urged McCullough to pressure the County Council. "This is a matter which-must be pursued by members of the Hawaii County Council who can call for in-depth investigations," Mink wrote to McCiil-. lough's group.
Police Chief Victor Vierra attended yes-" terday's meeting but did not comment. Nor did any of the commissioners. Afterward, Vierra said he would abide by his public pledge not to discuss the case-further while the investigation is under way. But he added he intends to meet with" Levin and Amaral to discuss their reasons for supporting McCullough. He said he was surprised by their letters of support given the fact neither had discussed the issue with him.
ISLAND FORECASTS National Woamer Servica Honolulu: Partly sunny, afternoon mauka showers, mid-80s. Fair evening, high 60s. Trades 5-15 mph. Hilo: Cloudy, a few showers, low 60s. Kona: Sunny.
Maui: Sunshine and showers, mid-80s. Kauai: Partly sunny, near 80. OahuSurf North shore: 1-2 feet. South shore: 1-2 feet. February.
Kenneth Mathison has been placed on special assignment in the meantime. McCullough yesterday made her fourth successive appearance before the police commission to urge an investigation by an outside agency to ensure impartiality. Levin wrote to Prosecutor Jay Kimura that after five months of "little or no public information the public perception of cover-up and wrongdoing will increase on a Five charged in killing of Kauai pet deer ISLAND TIDES Honolulu High HI Lew Lo Time Ht Time Ht 21 3 31 am 08 903 am -0 3 May 432pm 21 1145pm 01 22 4:13 am 0 6 9.39 am May 21 23.. 00 am 0 5 12 33 am 01 May 5.51pm 2.1 10:17 am -02 Elsewhere Using Honolulu tldea as a basis, add or subtract the figures below, or multiply If the height figure it preceded by an asterisk () Time Height High Low High Low Oahu: Haleiwa -2 08 '084 084 Hanauma -0 48 01 0 0 Kaneohe 04 0.2 Waianae 018 015 00 00 Waimanalo Maul: Hana -126 08 0.0 Kahului -1 53 -142 05 02 Lahaina -0 37 -043 0.3 01 Maalaea -0 03 -0 25 0.4 0 0 Kauai: Hanalei -130 0.1 00 NawiliwIH -0 34 -0 29 01 0 0 Pt Allen -0 38 -0 25 '0 92 0 92 Big Island: Hilo -101 0.5 01 Honuapo -028 -019 0 6 01 Kailua-Kona -0 28 -0 25 0 2 0.0 Kawairtae -0 06 -O06 01 00 Kealakekua -015 0 2 00 Motokai: Kaunakakai 0.2 0.0 Una): Kaumalapau 0.00 0:00 0.3 0.0 ABOUT YESTERDAY At Honolulu Airport Temperatures High: 86 Low: 68 May Norm: 8570 May 20 records High: 88 (1989) Low: 60(1985) Rainfall 24 Hours to 8 p.m.: 0 Humidity 2 p.m.: 55 8 p.m.: 69 Rain in May: .19 Norm: .80 Rain this year: 1 .55 Norm; 1 0.30 Around the state 24-hr. Low High Rain Kaneohe.
Oahu 70 62 .02 Kahului. Maui 71 82 .01 Lihue, Kauai 70 79 .11 Hilo, Hawaii 67 81 .54 National Weather Service forecasts for Honolulu (833-2849), Oahu (836-0121). surf (836-1952), Hawaiian watera (836-3921), MAREPSmarine observation! (834-7674). inmlfcii in ifiwan nitr-" --a -----i 1 1 Dial 1-900-773-6000 per minute Touch-Tone callers only Weather Hotline Press 1 Money Hotline Press 2 (Stock quotes, used car prices, CD rates, interest calculator.) Sports Hotline Press 3 Advice Entertainment Press 4 (Dr. Joyce Brothers' advice, horoscopes, soap opera summaries, movie reviews.) ported it missing May 8.
Police, acting on an anonymous tip, this week arrested Michael Acain, 19, Kirk Mabini, 18, and three 17-year-old boys, all of Hanamaulu, and charged them with theft and criminal property damage. The animal reportedly was shot with an arrow, dragged while still alive through a hole cut in a baseyard fence, and later killed and slaughtered. Police said the group sought to smoke the meat, some of which was recovered in the investiga-; tion. A hunter found the young" deer four years ago after shoot, ing its mother. There is an an-; nual hunting season on KauaT for blacktail deer.
The hunter turned the fawn-over to wildlife officials, who" bottle fed it until it could eat on; its own, and kept it in a fenced enclosure alongside the Division of Forestry and Wildlife's nursery at its Lihue baseyard. By Jan TenBruggencate Advertiser Kauai Bureau LIHUE, Kauai Kauai police have charged five males, two of them adults, with the killing of a pet blacktail deer at the state Forestry Division baseyard in Lihue. The 4-year-old tame doe, Elekia, was a favorite of school groups and individuals on Kauai, many of whom visited to feed it its favorite snack, hibiscus flowers. One of those visitors re ON THE MAINLAND FORECAST for 6 p.m. EOT today (Noon, Hawaii time) (TV soparato 'i 50 i 80s? WARM STATIONARY ltt AtwW(wtw, tor EZ3 E3 E3 EH El EH HUTU IOW 5MCWFRS RAtN T-STVHMS FLURRIES SNOW ICC SilNNY PT CLOUPV O.OUDY YESTERDAY'S WEATHER: The nation's midsection endured an unseasonal chill, with the temperature almost reaching the freezing point in Lincoln, where it dipped to 33, breaking a record set in 1931.
The high was 96 degrees in Needles, and the low was 26 degrees in Porcupine, S.D. Advertiser Weather Hotline: 1-900-773-6000, Press 1 Call 24 hours a day for the latest weather conditions and forecasts for 700 cities around the world. For U.S. cities, be ready to punch in the area code. Cost: 95t a minute (Touchtone phones only).
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